Happy birthday!
Clarence Thomas turns 74 today. I’m not going to pretend I read a *lot* of Supreme Court decisions, but when I do, Thomas is the best – his decisions are clear and explicable and his opinions are written that way.
Which is weird because English isn’t his first language. He grew up in a Georgia community speaking a creole dialect called Gullah. At least, that’s what Wikipedia told me.
Why on earth George Bush brought in a newbie to be Chief Justice when Thomas was Right There, I will never know.
Even if you don’t usually indulge in Twitter, today would be good day to take a peek. Lefty Twitter is going gaga over the gun ruling today.
If they strike down Roe v. Wade this week, I do think Twitter will spontaneously combust.
Posted: June 23rd, 2022 under personal.
Comments: 6
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: June 23, 2022, 9:16 pm
Justice Thomas is a national treasure. I can’t think of a living public figure for whom I have more respect, admiration, and gratitude (and damned few dead ones).
Thomas’s opinion in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen announced today is truly a gem. Particularly gratifying is the explicit decision that for 2nd Amendment and similar constitutionally enumerated rights, the courts are NOT to apply even strict scrutiny; scrutiny doesn’t apply, only original text and historical precedent. Hooray! Today’s decision will have a HUGE effect on existing state and federal law and it will take a long time, dang it, for it all to shake out.
Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: June 23, 2022, 10:34 pm
And if they rule Roe V Wade is over we can expect non insurrection with peaceful burning, looting and so forth.
“Democracy” is all about burning stuff when there are rulings you don’t like by the legitimate authorities, am I right?
Comment from Jeff Weimer
Time: June 23, 2022, 11:56 pm
Reason Roberts is Chief Justice and Thomas isn’t is that it would have required three confirmation votes (Roberts and ultimately Alito for associate and Thomas to elevate) instead of two, and Thomas would not have been a shoo-in after all that happened.
Comment from Tim Carlson
Time: June 24, 2022, 12:27 am
“If they strike down Roe v. Wade this week, I do think Twitter will spontaneously combust.”
I’m already in FaceBook jail for posting a political cartoon about Socialism, I can’t wait to see what Twitter will do to me after I get done throwing gasoline on the bonfire that lefty Twitter will become.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: June 24, 2022, 5:09 pm
Thanks, Jeff. That makes sense.
Comment from Jon
Time: June 24, 2022, 5:28 pm
With this and the 2A concealed carry verdict, there is much knashing of teeth on Facebook. Liberals don’t like to drop context for their Moment of Hate so I had to find it out from Ace of Spades.
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