So it’s going to be that kind of winter, is it?
Sometimes, it’s like someone flips a switch and it’s winter. I need to do one last mow, but the rain stretches before me unendingly. It won’t be dry enough again until spring.
One thing I’ve learned here: if a country looks lush and green, that’s a place where it rains. A lot.
The forecasts are hopeless – a little island stuck in a turbulent sea, who’s surprised? – so I rely on the satellites.
It’s weird. Living on the Eastern side of the States, I’m used to seeing the weather come at me, left to right, for days (except occasionally in hurricane season).
It’s not like that here. Weather usually comes up diagonally, from southwest to northeast, following the line of the Channel – but by no means always. Those little blobs can come from anywhere – and when they come straight down from the north, it’s eeevil.
Anyway, rain. For the weekend and beyond. You have a good one!
Posted: October 21st, 2022 under weather.
Comments: 5
Comment from Mike In Fairfax
Time: October 22, 2022, 12:57 am
Hey Swease, speaking of winds, here’s a cool website that lets you see what’s going on with winds worldwide. Near-realtime data is animated in a very effective depiction.
Click on the globe to spin it any which way you want. Scroll button zooms in or out. Shortcut keys ‘I’ raises altitude shown, ‘M’ lowers. The menu at lower left has a slew of more options for weather geeks.
Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: October 22, 2022, 7:19 am
Weather that comes at you from everywhere? Huh, didn’t know England was tucked up in the Northeast corner of Texas. I guess it’s what…just west of Paris?
Comment from Deborah HH
Time: October 22, 2022, 4:37 pm
JavaMan will probably get in one more grass mowing before putting up the lawn mower (he will wash it first—because he’s retired). We have Bermuda grass, which is slow to green-up, and turns brown at the first cool breath of fall. I’ll ask him to cut it low and catch the clippings because I have a new antique rug 🙂 And we may get snow next week.
I bought an 87-year old rug this week—wool—and in beautiful condition. 9×12 feet and going in my dining room. I bought it from the original owners’ 91-year old son. It had been in storage since their passing. Son told me that he was four when his parents bought it, and as a child he drove his little cars all over it and played town. The pattern is rectangles laid out with margins all around them, and looks very much like the map of a town. I feel like I bought a legacy.
It’s a reproduction “Persian” made by Whittall Anglo Persian Rugs, in Worchester, Mass. Apparently Mr. Whittall owned a lot of real Persian rugs, but believed that American families deserved their own pretty rugs, so he bought a factory and began producing them.
Comment from Anonymous
Time: October 23, 2022, 2:53 pm
O Western wind, when wilt thou blow,
That the small rain down can rain?
Christ, if my love were in my arms
And the gas heat turned on again!
But in this case Some Vegetable is Annonymous (he thinks)
Comment from Oceania
Time: October 25, 2022, 12:00 am
Well, there is going to be a very cold winter for Europe, lots of death and starvation forecast.
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