It snew
Not sure where the picture was taken; I stole it from this netweather article. BTW, I finally broke down and subscribed to the pay-for version of Netweather. I use the site so much – seeing a satellite image is a gazillion times more helpful than a weather forecast – that I wanted the additional tools.
Like, I can make the satellite picture animate for a period as long as 24 hours. This was a real eye-opener. I’m used to weather that proceeds sedately West to East. The occasional hurricane coming North up the Atlantic coast. The occasional winter storm coming South from Canada. That’s about it.
Britain’s weather goes where it pleases. This particular storm consisted of a chain of small clouds moving counter-clockwise around the island, hugging the coast. Damn thing looked sentient. Wild!
We got a little of it, but again and again I watched the clouds dissipate just as they reach us. I see that pattern a lot. We’re in some kind of microclimate here.
Snow in England isn’t unheard-of, of course, but it’s pretty unusual before Christmas. As are these freezing temps. Sure is pretty, though.
Posted: December 12th, 2022 under weather.
Comments: 4
Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: December 13, 2022, 1:43 am
“Merry Christmas, you wonderful old building and loan!”
I agree, I generally feel like I read the radar map better than the bozos (personal pronouns, morons/incompetents) at the National Weather Disservice, where the weather is now both political and socially justiced.
Comment from BJM
Time: December 13, 2022, 1:43 am
A big wet pineapple express roared through NoCal yesterday…Yay!! Tahoe got 4ft of snow. We copped 3″ of rain in as many hours and fortunately didn’t lose any trees.
Comment from Armybrat
Time: December 13, 2022, 1:46 am
I turned my pool up to 90
Comment from durnedyankee
Time: December 13, 2022, 3:36 am
@Armybrat – you make me laugh. 😂
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