Bucket o’ chicken
My Mo, he glows like burnished copper in the sun.
There are few sights as heartwarming as chickens blissed out in a dirtbath. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work in pictures – they look deceased. Especially if their eyes are closed.
You’ll have to excuse me being so light on content this week. I’m sunlight starved. The moment there’s a patch of it, I go fling myself into it.
Which isn’t working out so great – there was a cold old North wind today.
Posted: April 20th, 2023 under animals, birds.
Comments: 4
Comment from QuasiModo
Time: April 20, 2023, 8:31 pm
Sunny but cold here in eastern Canada as well…supposed to be cold and rainy all weekend, trying to get things done so I can hibernate with the TV and Internets.
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: April 20, 2023, 11:28 pm
There are few sights as heartwarming as chickens blissed out in a dirtbath. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work in pictures…
Well, the sight of cats blissed out on a sun-drenched window ledge comes mighty close. Unfortunately, it DOES work in pictures and by now, here in 2Q2023, there must be trillions and trillions of such photos clogging up the Cloud.
Hey, there’s a punk band name up for grabs: Cloggin’ Up the Cloud.
Comment from Victor
Time: April 21, 2023, 5:00 am
To justify myself 😜, I’ve spent my whole professional life working in ICUs, starting from neonatal care and moving up. Believe me when I tell you that there’s a limit to how much suffering and family turmoil one can bear while dealing with it week after week!
Comment from Armybrat
Time: April 21, 2023, 11:57 am
@Victor…I am your kindred soul. 35 years in every ICU from NICU up in 4 states. The players don’t change from state to state. I’m soooooooo happy to be retired and in the sunny free state of Desantis, floating in my pool. Come to think of it, when floating in my pool I’m pretty sure I look much like one of sweasel’s chickens in a dirt bath.
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