I am damp and grumpy
Let me spare you the suspense: the weather here looks like that forever.
On Thursday, for variety, we’re getting the remnants of Storm Ciarán. High wind and heavy rain. This comes on the heels of Storm Babet (pdf file).
Yes, odd storm names. They’ve only been naming storms for not quite ten years here. Another infernal Yankee impertinence. Our storm names are decided jointly between the Irish, the British and the Dutch, so you’d expect some loo-loos.
Note that if we make it all the way to T, we get Storm Tamiko. I guess she immigrated.
Americans have been naming storms since the 50s. If you want a preview of what you’ve got to look forward to, here you go.
Sadly for Sheila Jackson Lee, I do not see “Keisha, Jamal and Deshawn.”
Posted: October 30th, 2023 under weather.
Comments: 4
Comment from ExpressoBold Pureblood
Time: October 30, 2023, 7:05 pm
I look forward to “Storm Eva Vlaardingerbroek,” otherwise known as “The Dutch Butterscotch Sundae.”
Be sure to use your favorite internet search engine which handles images properly. You won’t be disappointed.
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: October 30, 2023, 7:14 pm
Rather than names, I’d rather we give our hurricanes epithets: Arsehole, Bitch, Caca, Dingleberry, EatMe…
Or maybe noteworthy govt figures: Attila, Beria, Che, Duce, Eichman…
…or afflictions: Appendicitis, Bulimia, Charlie-horse, Diphtheria, Enuresis…
Comment from p2
Time: October 31, 2023, 1:47 am
Dismal. I will consider a trade tho…. your dismal 40’s for the snow I’ve had on the ground for a month. It’s not cold yet, mind..still above 0 Frankenstein…I just want to get the leaves off the lawn I couldn’t get before it snowed.
Comment from durnedyankee
Time: October 31, 2023, 4:00 pm
Sad that I’m at an age now where I went looking for the butterscotch sundae and was disappointed to find a, admittedly pretty, chickpic.
meanwhile, I’m hoping for storm names like
Treytreyshia or Latreydeshawn, or Mohammed Mohammed Mohammed Achmed Mohammed.
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