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It came.

It’s a day early, which ought to be a good thing but isn’t. I bought it with prescription lenses and they won’t be here until tomorrow. FedEx swears they’ll be delivered tomorrow, but their tracker dingus tells me the package is in Memphis at the moment.

I almost didn’t even unbox it. I’m blind without glasses and there was no point mucking up my initial experience. Turns out, you can fiddle it to use glasses, cautiously. Glad I did. It spent most of the day downloading updates.

The little mixed reality app that comes with it is fun. You’re sitting in the room you’re sitting in when I spaceship breaks through the ceiling, delivering a ray gun. Then little fluffy tribbles start nibbling through the walls and you have to shoot bubbles at them to trap them.

It’s an okay gimmick that I suspect will wear thin for me, though I gather the zombie game where the undead are trying to come through your actual windows is a bit hairy.

The poor thing had a very hard time mapping my room. The big beams and odd furniture messed up its geometry. It would be happier in a clean modern house.

I hope the lenses do come tomorrow – it’s my day off. Also, I’m coming down with a cold :/


Comment from Uncle Al
Time: March 5, 2024, 8:58 pm

I’m sorry to hear you’re coming down with a cold, Stoaty. But I’m confident that you have more than adequate hot toddy makings on hand! I hope that with careful titration you can determine the effective therapeutic toddy dosage that will not be detrimental to successful tribble bubbling.

Comment from Rich Rostrom
Time: March 6, 2024, 12:10 am

Sounds way cool. And you ordered your lenses from the US? Interesting.

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