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O fabulous world!

If you guessed this was an hour-long video of an Amana washing machine doing a complete cycle taken from a channel about washing machines, you’d be completely correct.

The comments. Lordy.

If you click on the link, fair warning, you are apt to find other appliance channels appearing in your sidebar.

That’s the thing that chaps my hide: this video just appeared in my timeline. Surrounded by game demos and cat videos, up pops this Amana Direct Drive Washer – Full Casual Cycle + Extra Rinse out of the blue.

The algorithm – it knows too much.

I was promised flying cars and robot servants, but I suppose this will have to do.


Comment from Bob Mulroy
Time: March 26, 2024, 6:55 pm

Speed Queen is still the most durable, but some say it’ll eat your clothes.

Comment from QuasiModo
Time: March 26, 2024, 7:59 pm

Still have an old Kitchenaid washer/dryer set from 1991…still going 🤞

Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: March 26, 2024, 8:26 pm

Is this perhaps because a certain reader mentioned connecting (no!) a washer/dryer to the internet?

Lordy I hopes not, it’s bad enough the alphabet soup agencies are listening to the rants about accountability (there is none) for them ‘losing’ things that absolutely can’t be accidentally lost.

To even have to think the sweepers might have picked up on a washer comment, as you say, the algorithm knows too much.

Comment from Uncle Al
Time: March 26, 2024, 8:34 pm

@Bob Mulroy — We sure do like our Speed Queen (also a direct drive) and it hasn’t eaten anything at all, not even a single sock. Very solid piece of gear.

Comment from ExpressoBold Pureblood
Time: March 26, 2024, 8:57 pm

I thought that’s why you invested in a VPN… so you could browse and search privately.

Maybe there is a network token that you carry around to websites without knowing about it.

Comment from Gordon R. Durand
Time: March 27, 2024, 12:16 am

When our Amana washer and dryer finally wore out, we went back to the same store to buy another set. But they weren’t the same, and after less than a week we brought them back for a refund. Then they showed us the new Speed Queen models, which turned out to be IDENTICAL, down to the trim, to our old original Amanas. It’s as if they bought the Amana tools and dies, and stamped out the same pieces… which (according to Wikipedia at the time) was essentially what they did.

So yes, I concur, Speed Queen is the best.

Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: March 27, 2024, 1:59 am

Robot servants…heh….just wait till some (other, woke) clown realizes what “Robot” means.

(Trigger warning! Oh Noes!)

See Czech – Robota

The WEF guys are looking forward to it for sure.
After all, bugs and robots are like hands and gloves.

Comment from Randy Durand
Time: March 27, 2024, 4:07 pm

What a coininkydink. I just spent monday evening tearing a 24 year old Maytag dryer apart to find the squeak. Watched 2 youse-tuby videos for 10 minutes (we don’t need no stick’n manuals) and had the unit fully disassembled in about 15 minutes! Only 10 screws and the majority of it was apart. The noise was coming from a squeaky drum support wheel. No, I will NOT give grease to the squeaky wheel! I fired them all and will replace them. Sears parts wants $29 for a new wheel, where chinese-amzon has ALL the parts for $24 (two wheels, two axles, belt, slides, everything that could mechanically wear out).

p.s. Hi Gordon!

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: March 27, 2024, 7:02 pm

My Youtube suggestions are STUFFED FULL of appliance videos now :/

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