Er, happy birthday, I guess
If you don’t have Windows 11 yet, the search bar – pictured – has a different colorful, cartoony icon every day informing you that it’s National Frosted Cookie Day or National Ballpoint Pen Day (I didn’t make those two up – they are two of the things people celebrate on June 10th according to this website).
Microsoft would like you to know it’s Hattie McDaniel’s birthday. They pinched the thumbnail right off her Wikipedia page and colorized it.
Everyone knows Hattie McDaniel won an Oscar for her role in that movie you must never, ever, under any circumstances, watch. It must make your brain hurt to be a lefty.
Changing the subject, you know how they’ve talked about using VR to help people get over phobias? Do NOT go there. The last, like, three games have put me in high places and expected me to function and I get wobblier each time. It doesn’t help that my headset responds to signal problems by violently shaking my point of view like there’s an earthquake.
I don’t think I’ll ever be ready for Richie’s Plank Experience.
Posted: June 10th, 2024 under personal.
Comments: 7
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: June 10, 2024, 6:59 pm
Ah, yes. Windows 11. It has many features I’ve learned to ignore, so it doesn’t irritate me as much as it did a few months ago. I deeply miss Windows NT Workstation, the only MSFT OS worth a damn. I’d still be using it but I’d have to write ALL my own device drivers. Eek!
Comment from Mark Matis
Time: June 10, 2024, 7:06 pm
On the other had, Linux is secure and does not have backdoors for “Five Eyes” (or is it up to “Fourteen Eyes” these days?).
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: June 10, 2024, 7:15 pm
@Mark M — But they still get all your net traffic metadata and lots of the data itself. Alas.
Comment from durnedyankee
Time: June 10, 2024, 9:57 pm
More like DurnedYankee’s Hypersonic Heartbeat Vomit Experience…
Comment from Pupster
Time: June 11, 2024, 12:13 am
“I don’t know nuffin ’bout birthin’ no babies” is a phrase I have uttered. I’ve also shrieked “Miss Scarlet” while playing Clue.
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: June 11, 2024, 1:26 pm
Update: W00t. Win11 allowed me to get rid of the “colorful cartoony icon”. I also serendipitously found that MSFT includes Clippy in its emoji library. We are so blessed. Praise Gates!
π RClick on the taskbar and select “βοΈ taskbar settings” which will take you to “Personalization — Taskbar”
π The top block of settings is “Taskbar items”
π Teh top item there is “π Search”
π Over on the right is a drop-down menu with 4 options
π Default is “Search box” which results in the cartoony icon being foisted on you
π If you select “Search icon and label” the search box gets a little smaller and the cartoony icon will have been sent back to whatever hellish place cartoony icons come from
You’re welcome
edit p.s. — Dang. In the library and when editing, Clippy has eyes and a smile, but when the comment appears they’re gone and a simple paper clip has been substituted.
Comment from Rich Rostrom
Time: June 12, 2024, 12:42 am
First, I am not Richie. Just looking at that teaser image damn near induces a childish reflex.
Second, I have wondered for years how Hattie McDaniel won the Oscar in spite of being black and competing with Olivia de Havilland from the same film.
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