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That Joe Biden – what a card! Amiright?

I’ve had a hate-on for Joe Biden ever since I saw this video of him arguing with a reporter about his IQ on the campaign trail. Every claim he makes in it is false, by the way. I didn’t know that then. What I saw was my least favorite kind of asshole: a blowhard.

For the record, that was in 1988.

So I had my eye on him when he chaired the Bork and later Thomas hearings. Jonah Goldberg made the observation that I couldn’t unsee: the smile he flashed every few minutes, like a tic, as if he was giving us all a little treat.

I tried to find video of it and ended up watching enough old hearing footage to piss myself off all over again (without finding what I wanted).

Goldberg went on to say that he liked Joe Biden anyway. He always was wet. (What was his NR column called? Everyone read it back in the day)

Everything since has further cemented my impression Joe is a glib dumb guy. A liar with a nasty temper. I can’t think of another example in history of a loser failing so far upward so many times for so long.

In short, I’m thoroughly enjoying the spectacle. As Howie Carr used to say, my heart feels like an alligator.

Of course, he’s not the same Joe Biden. He’s a potato. He’s still a dumb liar with a nasty temper, but he is no longer glib.

I don’t understand why now, though. He’s looked this bad dozens of times in the last few years, why panic at one more? Pundits are saying it’s because the public pays attention to the debates and this was their first sight of it. But how do they know that? They must have some amazingly quick internal polling.

Anyway – thank you, America. I badly needed this distraction from 2024 British politics. Don’t ask.


Comment from S. Weasel
Time: July 9, 2024, 7:45 pm

I thought the Howie Carr quote was “my heart sings like an alligator” or “my heart smiles like an alligator” but all Google turned up was “my heart feels like an alligator.”

Comment from ExpressoBold Pureblood
Time: July 9, 2024, 8:00 pm

Other than the lying, the notable thing about the Biden clip is how nasal and New England-y he sounds… like a Kennedy!

That’s why Chameleon Joe went with the “Hair Club for Dorks” treatments because a bald Kennedy is no Kennedy at all… nor is a baldy a John Forbes Kerry (JFK 2).

He still hasn’t gotten over his insecurity complex which includes insecurity about a lot of things. I fully expect JoePedo to sneeze and see his brain pop out of his nose in the near future.

Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: July 9, 2024, 10:09 pm

Joe is a bully. I’m still waiting foe the day he loses it and tells someone to meet him out by the gym after school.

Meanwhile across the channel the French have noticed the golden egg laying rich, and their free shit army intends to slaughter them and distribute the wealth.

Someone check the Ecole Militaire to see if there’s some kid named Napoleon enrolled at the moment.

Comment from Uncle Al
Time: July 10, 2024, 5:00 pm

Yeah, I used to read Jonah G. faithfully but he took a hard turn into assholiness. A shame, actually, because I think it was he who gave us the term “Cheese-eating surrender monkeys” for the French.

As for the name of his column, I asked Aria (Opera browser’s so-called AI assistant), “What was the name of Jonah Goldberg’s column at National Review Online?” It answered:

Jonah Goldberg’s column at National Review Online was called “Jonah Goldberg’s G-File: Endings & Beginnings.”

But that name rang zero bells, so I dunno.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: July 10, 2024, 5:27 pm

He had several iterations. He started out a columnist then became the digital editor (or some title like that) and then was busted back to columnist.

G-File kinda rings a bell.

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