NHS approved
I don’t mean to brag, but I passed my squish test with flying colors. I thought I was too old to be called in, but they keep calling until you’re 71 (and you can book yourself in after that, if you’re a masochist).
I said to the girl it wasn’t nearly as painful as it used to be, and she said, “yes, that’s quite common. As we get older…”
OH! You are NOT about to tell me I have elderly boobies!
Have a good weekend, everyone!
Posted: August 2nd, 2024 under personal.
Comments: 3
Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: August 2, 2024, 7:35 pm
Yeah, real charged about graduating to “Elderly” status let me tell ya.
Then again, given the alternative….
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: August 2, 2024, 9:46 pm
So the “squish test” gets less painful with age? This is SEXIST! Waaaah! Prostate exams maintain a constant degree of awfulness.
Comment from Some Mashed Vegetable
Time: August 5, 2024, 6:06 pm
Surely it says says something about the decadence of our modern society that while in my grandmother’s day
Getting your tit caught in a wringer
was a bad thing, now we pay professionals to to it to us deliberately.
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