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One. Last. Time.

I gotta run, guys — I have beaucoup stuff to do today. But I couldn’t go out the door without posting the classic weaselgram of Benedict Arlen one last time.

As an aside…have you ever wondered why it is most men and women who have had long, passionate, productive careers in, oh, engineering or policework or architecture or soldiering seem delighted, when the time comes, to hang up their kit and grow roses for the rest of their lives? But politicians, judges (and doctors) cling on to their jobs with their fingers and toes until they mummify in place?

I don’t have answers. I only have questions.


Comment from Randy Rager
Time: May 19, 2010, 1:13 pm

Exercise of power is worse than heroin, is why. The three professions mentioned all involve copious amounts of power over other people’s lives, which is why we should have strict term limits in the first two, and keep the third as far away from the other two as possible.

Comment from Joan of Argghh!
Time: May 19, 2010, 1:59 pm

I can’t find a thing wrong with Randy’s reply. Spot on. Power is a bigger addiction than any drug. And it works better than any aphrodisiac on a weak willed power-seeker.

Comment from dfbaskwill
Time: May 19, 2010, 4:00 pm

I changed party affiliation solely to vote against Sphincter in the Primary. I don’t care that people say the opponent will be harder to beat in the general election. You must try to kill a vampire at every opportunity. I still say this wasn’t a stake to his heart. The Political Undead continually rise from the grave. He will be back, paler and more corpse-like than ever.

Comment from Jon
Time: May 19, 2010, 6:00 pm

I’m not a doctor (nor play one on TV), but I’d say doctors hold on to pay off their med school fees.

Politicians and judges I’m not sure about.

Comment from armybrat
Time: May 19, 2010, 6:48 pm

you done good dfbaskwill! I say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have a cold and feel like crap, so seeing sphincter down and out was just the tonic I needed this morning.

Comment from Sporadic Small Arms Fire
Time: May 19, 2010, 7:21 pm

No artist gives away trade secrets but I simply have to ask: where did the pixels come from where the, erm, facial part should be?

Did you tie up the balloon and look into the knot?

Were any plump lambs inconvenienced in the making of this pictoreal?

Comment from Deborah
Time: May 19, 2010, 7:34 pm

Your illustration makes me wish I had editorial access to Wikipedia! I’d update his page.

Comment from gebrauchshund
Time: May 19, 2010, 7:42 pm

I anxiously await your take on the mascots for the London Olympics. Personally I would have preferred a couple of knife-wielding soccer hooligans to those monstrosities.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: May 19, 2010, 7:45 pm

You know, I don’t remember, SSAF. I tried to find my original Photoshop file (which better shows all the different elements that go into an illustration), but it’s been archived someplace.

I do remember that the image is stitched together from about seven different images. So the lapel pin came from one place, the hands from another, the suit from another, the name plate…and so on. The head is really Arlen’s and I’m going to guess the, ummmm…indentation in the middle is drawn by hand.

So there are two bits of artistry involved in an image like this: being a crackerjack google images searcher, so you can find all the elements you need…and they’re all at the right angle and perspective and so on (there’s a big element of luck in this part). And then having enough illustratorly skill to massage all the pieces together and fill in the blanks and make it all look like one picture.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: May 19, 2010, 7:51 pm

Oh, and me…I LOVE giving away trade secrets. I adore talking about technique. I was going to build a whole site to give away P’shop techniques on…but it would have been so much work, and there are so many sites out there, I lost heart. Never hesitate to ask, unless you’d like to be bored juiceless by the answer.

Oh, gebrauchshund…within MINUTES of that thing being unveiled, somebody did an animated .gif that’s flat-out the last (graphical) word on the subject. Have you seen it?

Comment from Enas Yorl
Time: May 19, 2010, 7:54 pm

Heh, y’know you could recycle these pixels again for tomorrow Weazy. Change the nameplate, swap out the lapel pin for a crescent, put a turban and a shitty beard on him and he’s good to go for Draw Mohammad Day.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: May 19, 2010, 8:42 pm

Oh, now that would’ve been a good one, Enas! I’m already working on EZnSF’s idea from yesterday — Zombie Mohammed!

Hey, EZ! You around? Any special requirements? Can I run it on here, too?

Assuming I can finish. Full plate tomorrow, too, I’m afraid.

Comment from Nina from GCP
Time: May 19, 2010, 8:49 pm

You’ve got a heck of a lot of nerve allowing real life to get in the way of blogging, Stoaty. Your public needs you.

Comment from Anonymous
Time: May 19, 2010, 11:58 pm


While everyone is all aflutte rover Arlen getting flushedseemsm, they seem to be tiptoeing around the PA-12 race (Crist v. Burns) as if they don’t want to touch a piece of bad news. If you’ll forgive the cheap, shameless plug for something I wrote on the subject, I think that Crist’s win was — if nothing else — a Pyrrhic victory that could lull the Left and liberals into a very false sense of security. We’re talking a 7-8 point win by a guy who was forswearing Health Care, Crap and Tax, and everything The Pantload and his crowd stood for. That 7 point gap was in a district Gerrymandered to deliver Murtha back to the congress for 36 years and had a 2-1 edge Democrat v Republican.

Any democrat who takes comfort in the results of this Primary Tuesday is going to be sorely disappointed next November.

Comment from The War Planner
Time: May 20, 2010, 12:02 am


While everyone is all aflutter over Arlen getting flushed, they seem to be tiptoeing around the PA-12 race (Crist v. Burns) as if they don’t want to touch a piece of bad news. If you’ll forgive the cheap, shameless plug for something I wrote on the subject, I think that Crist’s win was — if nothing else — a Pyrrhic victory that could lull the Left and liberals into a very false sense of security. We’re talking a 7-8 point win by a guy who was forswearing Health Care, Crap and Tax, and everything The Pantload and his crowd stood for. That 7 point gap was in a district Gerrymandered to deliver Murtha back to the congress for 36 years and had a 2-1 edge Democrat v Republican.

Any democrat who takes comfort in the results of this Primary Tuesday is going to be sorely disappointed next November.

Comment from LC Aggie Sith
Time: May 20, 2010, 2:26 pm

Stoaty, I’m mostly a lurker (usually I’m laughing too hard to post), but seeing as you are in Great Britain, and seeing as the new Olympic mascots were unveiled to great…. awkwardness, I had thought that maybe a Zombie Churchill would be a better mascot for London’s Olympics.

As to why docs stay in practice so long, I concur with Jon. The amount of loans to pay back, not to mention the ridiculous medical insurance they pay plays a big role. IMO, at least they show their work, as opposed to politicians 😉

Comment from Rich Rostrom
Time: May 21, 2010, 6:26 am

“engineer[s] or police… or architect[s] or soldier[s] seem delighted [to retire]… But politicians, judges, (and doctors) cling on to their jobs…”

There have been quite a few engineers and inventors who kept on tinkering to the end. Edison, for one. Gun designer John Browning; Edwin Land of Polaroid.

As for architects, Frank Lloyd Wright worked right up to his death; Philip Johnson was still working at 94; I.M. Pei was still working at 89.

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