Quick! Poke him in the tummy…!
I have never seen such a display of political incompetence — accelerating political incompetence — than the Obama administration is treating us to at the moment. It’s like they’re fucking up logarithmically now.
The golfing, the vacationing, the lavish entertaining — all in the teeth of an electorate that is broke, scared and spitting mad, on the eve of a crucial election that is looking historically awful for Democrats.
And then Gibbs goes and takes a swipe at his own base.
I honestly don’t know what we’re looking at here.
I don’t know what to call this.
So I’m going with “epic incompetence,” because I can’t quite wrap my head around “death wish.”
The Gibbs-as-Pillsbury-Doughboy idea has been floating around HotAir for a while, incidentally (I’d give credit if I knew who to). It doesn’t speak to his personality at all, but it perfectly describes his huge, pale, doughy melon.
Posted: August 13th, 2010 under artwork, personal, politics.
Comments: 34
Comment from Allen
Time: August 13, 2010, 10:52 pm
Keepin’ the faith with the graphic, I’m going to go with, “please bake us until we’re toasty.”
Harry Reid is no slouch either. “Please get out the vote of Hispanic Republicans who I just gave a reason to hate me more.”
Where’s Slow Joe these days? Maybe they’re saving him up for the final leg of stupidity.
Weasel, this graphic gave me a “Happy Friday!” tingle in my funny bone.
Comment from eirik
Time: August 13, 2010, 11:14 pm
Can I take Robert Gibb’s career in the next dead pool?
Comment from Pavel
Time: August 14, 2010, 12:02 am
I wish the SNL writers weren’t so execrable. This guy is a hilarious skit just waiting to happen.
Great p’shop, ma’am.
Comment from porknbean
Time: August 14, 2010, 12:46 am
Doesn’t matter how bad Barry puts us in the shitter or pisses off his base. His base and too many people in general will forgive him when it comes between Uncle Sugar and a candidate who says, ‘If you want to eat, you have to work’. They will always vote themselves freebies or misery upon others. Envious, spiteful, little shits, the lot of them.
From the comments –
….I find it amusing that the White House is “furious” at the left. I wish it could summon some of that fury for the right. But no—Obama and his crowd prefer to dump on the folks who worked the hardest for his election. I consider myself to be a “moderate liberal,” and Obama is very disappointing. Yes, we need to vote for him in 2012, but the enthusiasm gap is going to be a big problem in terms of fundraising and getting out the vote. BY greenkathy on 08/10/2010 at 06:51……….
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: August 14, 2010, 12:49 am
Same idea, other way around:
I don’t know why, but this one occurred to me first.
Just saw a rumor Obama came out in favor of ground-zero mosque during Ramadan dinner…
Comment from Pavel
Time: August 14, 2010, 1:25 am
Chesapeake Bay: Okay, I googled marmots. They aren’t even edible.
Pikes Peak: Mayybeee. Probably are edible in a pinch.
Chessie: Unlike my scrumptious crabs. Ever had one of them? Drawn butter. Mmmm.
The Peak: The lichens on my boulders are edible.
Chessie: Do they serve lichen in fine restaurants?
The Peak: Umm. Okay, okay. You get a point for deliciousityness of foodstuffs.
Chessie: Yesss!!! (pumps a watery arm)
The Peak: Let’s move along to the “Inspired Well-Loved Patriotic Songs” category.
Chessie: Umm.
The Peak: America the freakin’ Beautiful, bitch.
Chessie: Really? Well, umm. Just down the intracoastal. Baltimore Harbor. The Star Spangled Banner.
The Peak: Just down the intracoastal? What does that even mean? Freakin’ Kansas is just down the highway. So did Kansas inspire America the Beautiful?
Chessie: Sort of. In a sense.
The Peak: In a sense? What sort of sense is that? The “not” sense?
Chessie: Are you shittin’ me? America the Beautiful is about you?
The Peak: Not shittin’ you. Katherine Lee Bates. The original name for the poem was Pikes Peak. [ed. note: true.] I am the purple mountain’s majesty.
Chessie: Purple? You’re not purple.
The Peak: She needed a color, and she wanted to keep the meter right. It was either purple or chartreuse. Chartreuse was a bit too faggy. Maybe chartreuse would work for you, though.
Chessie: Are you calling me gay?
The Peak: Nothing wrong with being gay, Chessie.
Chessie: Oh jeez. How did you find out?
The Peak: S’okay. You’re among friends here. Bates went on to star in such well-loved films as Misery. Did you see that one scene where she busted the James Caan character’s legs? Wicked, man.
Chessie: Really? That was Bates?
The Peak: Just fucking with you. Different Katherine Bates.
Chessie: Oh, man, you had me going there for a second.
The Peak: But you are gay.
Chessie: Okay, true. You said nothing wrong with that, though, right?
The Peak: Homo.
Comment from Enas Yorl
Time: August 14, 2010, 2:05 am
That’s an inspired bit of surrealness there Pavel. Good job!
I didn’t think there could be a worse press secretary than Scott McClellan but the Zero managed to find one. This is shaping up to be the most spectacular failure of a presidency ever.
Comment from Mal
Time: August 14, 2010, 2:25 am
I always thought he resembled the Rancor Beast, but without the alarming stuff. Sort of like the Rancor Beast’s puffy, four-eyed, spoilt nephew that no-one likes…
Comment from Nina from GCP
Time: August 14, 2010, 2:36 am
Pavel’s making me laugh again, Mommy…make him do it some more (school starts Monday, so I need a good laugh)!
Comment from Monotone The Elderish
Time: August 14, 2010, 3:29 am
well Ms.Weasel you never fail to disappoint! yay….. doughboy…. lol…
Comment from Can’t hark my cry
Time: August 14, 2010, 12:47 pm
Hm. The danger in having the opposition write all one’s lines is that one’s best arguments never surface. . .Granted “America the Beautiful” is about Pike’s Peak. Chesapeake Bay is a featured performer, however, in multiple novels by John Barth, one of the great American novelists of the last half century. I should note that I got no dog in this hunt–I don’t even see why there should be a competition between two of America’s many great landscape features–but fair is fair.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: August 14, 2010, 12:53 pm
Wait, wait…I never FAIL to disappoint? <weasel thinks about this real hard for a second, shrugs and scampers off for coffee>
Aw, my favorite shitty White House Press Secretary was Joe Lockhart. Remember him? One of Clinton’s. Someone — I wish I remembered who! — once described him as looking like he was trying to crap a damp sponge.
Oh, if you remember Joe, that is So Perfect!
Comment from JuliaM
Time: August 14, 2010, 2:15 pm
“I honestly don’t know what we’re looking at here.”
I believe, in the modern vernacular, it’s what is termed ‘EPIC FAIL!’…
Comment from Pavel
Time: August 14, 2010, 2:47 pm
Right there is your new website tagline, stoatie: “Never fails to disappoint, but rarely induces nausea.”
Comment from Steve Skubinna
Time: August 14, 2010, 8:09 pm
Their attitude can be explained simply by an overwhelming sense of entitlement. They are genuinely puzzled and hurt that anyone could question their fitness to rule.
Yes, I said “rule.” That’s what they think they’re doing.
Comment from Kowboy
Time: August 14, 2010, 9:29 pm
Just pop him in the oven, because we all know when times get tough, they eat their own.
Comment from Bill (still the .00358% of your traffic that’s from Iraq) T
Time: August 16, 2010, 12:35 pm
Just saw a rumor Obama came out in favor of ground-zero mosque during Ramadan dinner…
Eeeee-yup. New Yawkuhs are — “unenthused”…
Comment from Tushar
Time: August 16, 2010, 1:41 pm
at first I thought that is Dick Cheney. I had to look between the legs to realize that it cannot be Dick.
Comment from steve
Time: August 16, 2010, 3:57 pm
One of the points I haven’t seen raised yet is the fact that the Chesapeake Bay is simply the mouth of the Susquehana River.
(Cue crazy guy from Abbott and Costello)
SUSQUEHANA! Slowly I turn…Step by step…Inch by inch…..
Comment from Can’t hark my cry
Time: August 16, 2010, 4:48 pm
Steve–I hadn’t realized that. I lived my fifth grade year in Binghamton, where the Chenango joins the Susequehanna. Beautiful city, beautiful rivers. . .speaking of which, the Wikipedia article on the Susquehanna is downright rhapsodic.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: August 16, 2010, 5:06 pm
I noticed that, Tushar! I mean, the fact that Gibbs’ face looks Cheney-like, boiled down to its essentials.
I ain’t gonna talk about the Mighty Cheney Package.
Comment from Monotone The Elderish
Time: August 16, 2010, 5:18 pm
hmmmm i probably should’ve been asleep when i wrote that….. well…. you know what i meant.
Comment from Derek
Time: August 16, 2010, 5:20 pm
The conspiracy theorist in me thinks they want “conservatives” in power when the economy really tanks due to their policies.
Comment from Monotone The Elderish
Time: August 16, 2010, 7:23 pm
@ pavel…. yep, yet another reason why sleep deprivation and typing dont mix….
Comment from Bill (still the .00358% of your traffic that’s from Iraq) T
Time: August 16, 2010, 9:04 pm
One of the points I haven’t seen raised yet is the fact that the Chesapeake Bay is simply the mouth of the Susquehana River.
Pavel raised it on the 14th at 1:25 am — see the last line.
Comment from Anonymous
Time: August 16, 2010, 9:37 pm
Sure….I see it now!
But at the time I posted I hadn’t seen it raised.
Which is an admission that I dont reed gud, as opposed to any claim that folks fail to post shit
Comment from steve
Time: August 16, 2010, 9:55 pm
Anonymous, no more!
Comment from Can’t hark my cry
Time: August 16, 2010, 10:35 pm
Which is an admission that I dont reed gud, as opposed to any claim that folks fail to post shit
Well, I apparently can’t read at all because I cannot, for the life of me, see anything about the mouth of the Susquehanna in the last line of Pavel’s 8/14/10 1:25 a.m. post. Or am I being really dense and missing some inspired bit of double entendre?
Comment from steve
Time: August 16, 2010, 11:36 pm
(I simply assumed that Bill wouldn’t lie to me….You could be right, too!) (Maybe that’s what Pavel meant when he wrote “Homo!”)
Comment from Can’t hark my cry
Time: August 17, 2010, 12:03 am
Agreed, Bill wouldn’t lie. And I can definitely see that one could interpret that last line in a way that involved mouths, and I suppose Susquehanna can (if you work at it) suggest other words. I had actually thought of saying somthing about the potential spatial relationship between peaks and bays in the context of sexual congress, but decided that such comments were not consonant with my persona on this blog. . .Oh, well. It’s still a lovely river.
Comment from Bill (still the .00358% of your traffic that’s from Iraq) T
Time: August 17, 2010, 12:27 pm
Steve — Yup.
CHMC — I had actually thought of saying somthing about the potential spatial relationship between peaks and bays in the context of sexual congress, but decided that such comments were not consonant with my persona on this blog. . .
Sidestepping the kidding, the Susquehanna’s in better shape than it was thirty years ago, but it still carries a lot of crud down into the Bay. There are a lot of old mines in the Allegheny Mountains, and cadmium’s been leaching into the watershed for about a hundred years. Cadmium’s great in paints — in fishie habitat, not so much…
Comment from Pavel
Time: August 17, 2010, 2:59 pm
There’s a similar problem with a lot of the mountain streams running through the old mining camps. Most have come back, but some are still bright orange and copper, and yield delicious species like the three-headed rainbow trout.
Comment from Can’t hark my cry
Time: August 17, 2010, 3:38 pm
Bill(yeah, yeah, yeah)T:
Actually, I was pretty pleased with that bit of proslepsis. . .trusting, as I do, to the imaginations of all who frequent this pleasant spot.
Glad to hear, by the way, that the Susquehanna is running clearer. I never got up close and personal with it, but we were only a block away, so we did go visit the banks from time to time.
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