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Is it chilly in here, or is it just me?

(Just in case there are any of you that don’t read Ace’s), don’t miss this Aussie scientist discussing climate change via YouTube. I’ve only watched part one this morning, and dude has already convinced me we’re headed into the next ice age.

Brrrr…somebody throw another environmentalist on the fire…!


Comment from Enas Yorl
Time: November 6, 2007, 2:53 pm

Now that should be manditory viewing in every classroom! I had read elsewhere too where one solar science guy was very concerned about a nasty cold snap coming our way soon. Make sure you pack your flannel jammies!

Comment from Mrs. Peel
Time: November 6, 2007, 11:42 pm

btw, Weasel, you should stop by and make fun of my drawings. I name-checked both you and Enas in my post.

Comment from Steamboat McGoo
Time: November 7, 2007, 12:45 am

Mrs. P,

Ferrous wheel. Heh.

When I saw the castle I automatically looked for the Python (Trojan) Rabbit. Run away!

Comment from Mrs. Peel
Time: November 7, 2007, 8:56 am

The boy asked me if that was a cow in the trebuchet, but I told him that it was just an oddly-shaped rock. Another opportunity lost, I suppose. Alas!

I think Weasel should post the nekkid-guy drawings she said she did in her meeting.

Comment from Steamboat McGoo
Time: November 7, 2007, 10:08 am

Trebuchets. They are soooo neat. I want one.

That’s what Badger needs, Weas! A trebuchet for the Coastal Estate! A man isn’t complete without a trebuchet!

Comment from Enas Yorl
Time: November 7, 2007, 12:56 pm

McGoo! Here’s a trebuchet for you. I’ve thought about getting one myself actually.

Comment from Steamboat McGoo
Time: November 7, 2007, 2:01 pm

Yep. Got that one book-marked already, and this one, too (among others):




I have an issue with these models though. No wheels. If you put the whole thing on wheels and provide a short track for it, so it can “rock” back and forth a bit while firing, the range increases noticeably. IIRC, some guy on Nova demonstrated it – first practically, and then mathematically.

Comment from Steamboat McGoo
Time: November 7, 2007, 2:05 pm

The McGoo Trebuchet is one of the reasons I’m looking for retirement property with acreage. I tell folks I want to target-practice (which is true) and they assume “pistol & rifle” (which is also true) but I never mention the REAL reason. I must have one of these. It is written…and it is my destiny.

Comment from Steamboat McGoo
Time: November 7, 2007, 2:09 pm

Here’s the Nova special:


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