‘Tis the season
God, politics is weird these days. I never thought I’d be so angry at a Republican win, nor so delighted at a Democrat win. I speak, of course, of Murkowski and Pelosi.
Oh, well. Two ugly, selfish old broads. The illustrator in me should be delighted. (Speaking of dessicated old illustrations, that’s my Zombie-Santa-in-progress for this year. Also, don’t touch my junk, imagery shamelessly stolen from Iowahawk).
Oh, and I’ve been test-driving Rockmelt, a new browser that integrates Twitter and Facebook. If I know my clientele, I’d guess you guys are mostly dyed-in-the-wool Twitter/FB resisters, but it does have a few interesting features.
It’s built around Chrome, so it’s VERY nimble and quick. I’ve got FireFox going at the same time, and the difference is striking. Whatever you happened to be reading, you can click a button to Tweet it or put it into your status on FB. And it’s got a neat little translation program — land on a page in another language (happens to me a lot) and it’ll offer to translate it for you. Does a pretty good job, too.
Invitation only. You can probably wangle an invite out of them directly (it’s nowt more than a marketing gimmick, after all). If not, I have a couple to share. Drop me a line.
Posted: November 17th, 2010 under artwork, personal, politics.
Comments: 11
Comment from SCOTTtheBADGER
Time: November 17, 2010, 11:22 pm
When I heard on the radio that Pelosi had been elected Minority Leader, I had to wonder if the Democrats really have lost thier collective minds. They want to keep the woman who engineered thier defeat as thier leader?
Comment from Bob Mulroy
Time: November 18, 2010, 1:51 am
I think loosing your mind is what makes you a Democrat.
Comment from Scubafreak
Time: November 18, 2010, 2:14 am
NONE of which, of course, is compatable with FAA secure websites. SO, if you are attempting to do pilot physicals or certification, you’d better get used to Internet Exploder. otherwise, you might have to talk to ME!!!
Comment from David Gillies
Time: November 18, 2010, 3:52 pm
I feel slightly filthy admitting it but I’m on both Facebook and Twitter. FB is the only way I can find out what my great-nephews and nieces are up to. And Twitter is fun when you’re bombed out of your mind.
Comment from Rich Rostrom
Time: November 18, 2010, 4:01 pm
Not only do I resist Facebook/Twitter, I have them blocked. (Assigned IP address, which is “does not exist”.) That’s because I’m using archaic hardware and software which chokes, gags, and freezes on the widgets which many sites invoke from them. National Review Online has several dozen Facebook refs on many pages – which don’t seem to do anything, I can read it fine without them.
Comment from Sockless Joe
Time: November 18, 2010, 7:45 pm
I use FB and twitter just about every day, but use them differently. Most of my facebook “friends” are people I’ve actually met in meatspace. (Your Stoatliness excepted, among a few others.) And since I actually know these people, I can’t be as much of a partisan ass as I am on Twitter.
Comment from steve
Time: November 18, 2010, 8:25 pm
I just don’t understand how she is already elected Minority Leader.
I mean, I am certainly no expert on Parliamentary crapola and whatnot, but it would seem to me that the first thing you do is seat those who are actually participating in the upcoming Congress….(which happens sometime in January, I think)
That way you don’t have a bunch of people who aren’t even going to be in Congress next year impacting the ins and outs of next year’s power structure.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: November 18, 2010, 8:31 pm
I have two FB accounts — one as sweasel, one as realname. I don’t really use the sweasel one much. And, like you Joe, my realname account I try to keep snark and politics free.
I only Twitter as sweasel, though.
Comment from Frit
Time: November 18, 2010, 11:13 pm
I have an FB account under my real name – and aside from one of my favorite authors, the only friends on it are people I’ve actually been friends with iRL for years before FB was developed.
Living in Oz now, the majority of my FB contacts are my Untidied States friends, because it’s the only way to keep track of them. They tend to be rather poor at letters and e-mail contact, for the most part. :p
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: November 18, 2010, 11:18 pm
Yes, exactly, Frit. It’s great to be able to see what people are up to, including people who otherwise wouldn’t really be close enough friends to keep in touch.
I sometimes wish I hadn’t friended QUITE so many people from High School, though. I can barely remember who some of them are; why should I care what they had for breakfast?
Comment from Simon Oliver Lockwood
Time: November 19, 2010, 2:46 pm
steve: The way it works is that the Members-elect come to DC in late November for orientation — things like picking out office space, interviewing staff, looking for somewhere to live, etc. Part of that is organizational meetings for the next Congress. The people who aren’t going to be in the next Congress — the retired and defeated — don’t get to vote on the next Congress’ organizational matters.
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