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Say, it’s been a while since I poked fun at the food

Oyster flavored potato chips. Hoo boy!

Not bad. Not all that oystery. But at £.79/40g (about $1.30 for a fun-sized bag), I probably won’t make a habit of them.

The chickens loved them.

Oh, and I tried my first barley water (the existence of which I only knew from that Mary Poppins song). It doesn’t really have a smell, so I don’t know what that was all about. The barley doesn’t contribute flavor either, that I can tell — just a slippery mouth feel. I got citrus flavored, so it was like thick, silky orange juice.

Do I like it? I’ll have a think about it.

Next up — Tizer and Vimto! Good weekend, everyone!


Comment from MCPO Airdale
Time: April 15, 2011, 9:13 pm

I was not a fan of the barley water when I lived in England. The golf course didn’t have Gatorade, but they had plenty of that crapola.

Comment from Bob Mulroy
Time: April 15, 2011, 9:41 pm

Two Chinese New Years ago, Missus and I were enjoying whelks in a lime-chilli sauce. Within twenty minutes, I got a pray-for-death, tunnel-vision migrane.

I get the same reaction every time I eat molluscs now, even oyster sauce! I’d be afraid to try those.

Comment from Richard
Time: April 15, 2011, 10:54 pm

Perfect description of barley water, especially “Do I like it? I’ll have a think about it.”. I have always felt like that about it. However Vimto is horrible, even though it reminds me of childhood visiting grandparents in Manchester (England, not New Hampshire), as it was rather a northern drink then.

Comment from Uncle Badger
Time: April 15, 2011, 11:38 pm

Indeed – vile muck, Vimto. Never could understand its appeal. Doubly so, now I read that it is the most popular drink in parts of the Middle East during Ramadan (is that like the Islamic Passover or something?).

Tripe sandwich eaters and left-hand arse wipers, that’s Vimto.

Tizer, OTOH, was the beverage for which my great, great grandfather used to press coins into the hand of my mother, when she was a girl, sending her out to the local shop for supplies. He’d been gassed in the trenches and said it was the only thing that eased the coughing fits. Poor bastard.

Comment from Uncle Badger
Time: April 15, 2011, 11:42 pm

BTW – sorry Richard. I like Manchester a lot. In fact it’s my favourite Northern city – even though I support Yorkshire CCC!

Comment from Nina from GCP
Time: April 16, 2011, 1:41 am

You bet it’s the weekend, and as of about 4 hours ago, also my spring break.

Oyster-flavored chips sound positively revolting, though.

Comment from Bob Mulroy
Time: April 16, 2011, 1:45 am

Does barley water have booze in it?

Comment from Randy Rager
Time: April 16, 2011, 1:59 am

Costco now stocks beer flavored potato chips.

I’m thinking of buying a pallet to take home for the fambly.

Comment from David Gillies
Time: April 16, 2011, 11:07 am

Ye need tae try IRN-BRU, lassie. It’s made in Scotland, frae girders (or so they say.)

Comment from Oceania
Time: April 16, 2011, 11:48 am

I’m personally a fan of the Lamb and Mint flavoured ones …

Comment from Nina from GCP
Time: April 16, 2011, 6:21 pm

Bob, it doesn’t normally, but far be it from me to tell a man he can’t add booze to just about whatever he wants. Much like cheese, bacon, and tortillas, booze improves many otherwise disgusting things.


Comment from Christopher Taylor
Time: April 16, 2011, 6:22 pm

Try the Marmelite Yeast ones. I’m really curious what those are like.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: April 16, 2011, 8:58 pm

I want this suit!

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Comment from S. Weasel
Time: April 16, 2011, 8:59 pm

Oh, that was a Dave in Texas find, from Twitter.

Marmite? I haven’t had the guts to try it yet. Dandelion and Burdock soda isn’t bad.

Comment from Mrs. Hill
Time: April 17, 2011, 5:24 am

Fentiman’s? I love that stuff! World Market carries it here, along with their Ginger Beer. The first time we bought it was for the novelty – sounded like something right out of one of the offspring’s Brian Jacques novels – but it’s really tasty. I’m a fan of licorice and horehound too, though. The bomb-proof bottles always make me want to save them up for one of these.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: April 17, 2011, 11:54 am

Oh, Fentiman’s stuff is excellent. I made it a point to sample their whole range (rose lemonade is my favorite, I think).

But dandelion and burdock is a popular enough flavor that you can get the big plastic two liter bottles of generic.

Comment from Mrs. Hill
Time: April 17, 2011, 1:40 pm

I’m not sure whether to laugh – because it’s that popular – or cry. I’m staring at the label on a 9.3 oz bottle – 2 whole liters!?!11!! I’d be completely debauched.

Comment from Bob Mulroy
Time: April 17, 2011, 6:07 pm

I think I’ll stick with Orangina.


Comment from Uncle Monkey
Time: April 17, 2011, 6:07 pm

Reminds me of “roast ox crisps” from the Young Ones.

Go to 4:30 unless you want to hear some stellar alcohol related tunes from Madness. Good old Neil (Wheedon Watkins Pye), the quintessential hippy. Great show.

Fentiman’s shows up here from time to time – but not much. I’ve gotten the what is it – curious cola? And the lemonade.

You guys on that side of the pond had/like Strongbow (strong apple cider)? We have Ace here in CA, really nice on a hot day after working in the garden.

Comment from Sporadic Small Arms Fire
Time: April 20, 2011, 2:14 pm

Medlar Swill!

no experience of the Old Blightey can be complete without this ambrosia of the Tudors, the elixir of Plantagenets, the nocturnal secretion of Baldricks!
Carbonate it with the expulsion of iguana’s methane for that frothy, effervescent j’en a sais quoix. Garnish sparsely with ocelot’s nipples, starling’s crests, muntjac’s oysters and hedgehog ovaries. Earthy, organic, redolent of the whirling dervish armpit at Stonehenge this was the great fuel that coalesced the ragtag militia of Picts and Celts and Woads into the British Empire.
Bouillon cubes of Medlar are available from Boots in 5 gramme dosage that goes virtually unnoticed at airports.

“Like fugu and absinthe, the medlar’s metaphorical notoriety far exceeds its culinary significance. Its homely appearance gave rise to derisory nicknames such as “open-arse” in Tudor English and ” cul-de-chien” (“dog butt”) in French. Although bletting does not involve any pathogens or decay, the process has often been considered akin to rotting. Chaucer, in the prologue to “The Reeve’s Tale,” wrote that the medlar is not edible “til it be roten,” and Henry Phillips, in his “Pomarium Britannicum” (1821), deemed its ripening a “putrefactive fermentation.” D.H. Lawrence poignantly expressed this view when he called medlars “Wineskins of brown morbidity / … The distilled essence of hell / The exquisite odour of leave taking.””

(David Karp, Exotic taste of the past, LAT 16th of Decembre, 2010.) Find your own goddamn link.

Comment from Steve Skubinna
Time: April 23, 2011, 6:36 am

In Singapore for a few months, and they have Mark’s and Spencer’s here. Have to confess that I mainly hit them up for candies (Double Devon Toffees) and cookies – er, sorry, “biscuits.” I have bought bags of potato chips – damn it, “crisps” in various flavors, including curry. Mostly they serve to make me miss Tim’s Cascade Potato Chips from home.

Beverages made from weeds plucked from the roadside or scraped off the bottom of a lawn mower? None for me, thanks, you go ahead and enjoy.

Comment from EW1(SG)
Time: April 24, 2011, 12:08 pm

Huh. I rather like barley water. But then, I’ve always made my own so don’t know how it compares. Slice of lemon and a sprig of mint over ice in a tall glass…just the thing on a hot day.

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