Oh, man
Did you see this thing in the National Journal? Seems White House aides are concerned about damage to what they call Obama’s “leadership brand.” Yeah, fellas. What you have there is totally a branding problem.
[Obama] then launched into a long reply that previewed what is to come after Labor Day. It is then, he said, that he will propose a “very specific plan” on the economy. And if Congress does not adopt it, “then we’ll be running against a Congress that’s not doing anything for the American people, and the choice will be very stark and will be very clear.” He concluded his answer stating that “the other side is unreasonable. And you … don’t want to reward unreasonableness. Look, I get that.”
Excellent. Because we have slipped sideways into an alternate universe where blaming other people for you problems doesn’t make you sound like a whiny crybaby bitch.
Wait, what? Labor Day??!? That’s three weeks from now. After another Vineyard vacation. Three years wasn’t enough time to come up with some specifics we can kick around?
According to the two senior officials, the plan to arrest that decline is for Obama to no longer be seen as above the fray. While they believe Republicans were both wrong and unfair to claim the president had no plan to bring down the deficit, they know it hurt him. So they will try to show the president as having specific plans and then show him fighting for them.
Does the wording of this strike you as distinctly weird? Not that Obama will actually be doing certain things, instead they will try to show him doing things. Like they’re going get the NY Times to run a picture of him holding a piece of paper marked SPECIFIC PLANS and another picture of him putting up his dukes.
No more will the president be focusing primarily on issues that can attract bipartisan support and appeal to a Republican House. And no longer will he be so willing to let Congress work out the details on its own.
Oh, now I get it. The new plan is to alienate the one third or so of the country that likes Republican ideas and turn off the one third or so in the middle that likes happy clappy bipartisanship to appeal to the one third or so of the country that was bound to vote for him anyway.
He so smart.
Posted: August 17th, 2011 under artwork, personal, politics.
Comments: 33
Comment from Dan Patterson
Time: August 17, 2011, 10:20 pm
If he had chickens they would peck him ’til he screamed.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: August 17, 2011, 10:28 pm
I’m pretty sure he’d scream after one peck.
Comment from Pupster
Time: August 17, 2011, 11:14 pm
So, if I understand this, the R’s were wrong and unfair to claim that he had no plan, so now the new strategy is to have a plan?
It took 2 reporters to write this dreck?
Comment from Mark Matis
Time: August 17, 2011, 11:19 pm
Well, Pupster, you have to remember that the “reporters'” mouths were full at the time…
Comment from JeffS
Time: August 17, 2011, 11:35 pm
Dollars to doughnuts, that “plan” will be a thick, three ring binder with a beautiful cover, plenty of tabs, and nothing but blank pages inside.
Comment from Mitchell
Time: August 17, 2011, 11:40 pm
Oh he had a plan: the shovel-ready stimulus remember? Even now while he’s staring at a likely shovel-ready presidency I think he still thinks that he just has an image problem. And racism. But surely he’s just a speech or two away from being Captain Awesome again. Arrgh! If only you tea-rrorists would just let the man be clear!!
Comment from Hiyu
Time: August 17, 2011, 11:45 pm
Personally, I think Obama is better than any other American president I’ve seen over there in my lifetime. His main problem is that he never ever tells anyone what he’s doing!
Now, worded articles or not, he is a strong-willed man. You say he’s blaming others for things – yet aren’t so many people blaming him for the whole economy crash when none of it was his fault? He’s dealt with it very well to this point in my opinion, and I believe he will continue to do so. What about the healthcare plan? Failure. Why? Health insurance companies get no more money. It’s all about money and rights in America, and not responsibilities: one can buy their way out of prison if they have the money. What kind of legal system is that? That’s nothing to do with justice, it’s bribery! I mean, remember the Mormons who paid twenty million dollars to the Californian government just to stop gay marriage? How is that Christian in the slightest, spending so much money on something so trivial (and a /bribe/ at that) compared to giving to a worthy cause, like charity to those who are in need?
Just my opinion, based on what I’ve seen and not what I’ve heard.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: August 17, 2011, 11:52 pm
Hiyu, that is so effed up, I don’t know where to begin. So I won’t.
Nice portfolio, dude. Is that overpainting on 3D models, or what?
Comment from Mitchell
Time: August 18, 2011, 12:03 am
^See! It’s just an image problem! Because “he never ever tells anyone what he’s doing!”
If only somebody would just let.the.man.talk!
That’s just freaking hilarious.
Comment from Nina from GCP
Time: August 18, 2011, 12:25 am
That was sarcasm, right? Please tell me it was sarcasm because nobody could be THAT stupid.
Comment from Allen
Time: August 18, 2011, 1:23 am
The Plan:
1. Give a speech on how George Bush is still taking his lunch money.
2. Give a speech on how the House Republicans are still bullying him at recess.
3. Spend money.
4. Raise taxes.
5. More golfing.
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: August 18, 2011, 2:02 am
If 0 wants to change his “brand” in a way that would be unique in American history, then I suggest that he do the honorable thing and become the first president to commit suicide. Ritual seppuku/harakiri would be very dramatic and there’s no shortage of seconds.
In case any DHS or Secret Service weenies are monitoring these comments, this is satire. As I don’t expect govt agents to be particularly literate, if such agents are reading this please read this before suiting up the SWAT team.
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: August 18, 2011, 2:14 am
@Hiyu – Although almost all U.S. presidents have also guilty of this, 0’s failure is that he has absolutely the wrong idea about the nature of the relationship between the people of a country and its government, and 0 is among the worst of the lot in this regard. That he is also a serial liar just makes things worse, and lying about his own responsibility for his actions is the secondary reason for my loathing of the man.
Comment from James the lesser
Time: August 18, 2011, 2:15 am
I don’t blame Obama for the economy. I blame Congress, and the Senate, and some of the big financial boys for turning an ordinary busted bubble into a depression. I blame regulation happy bureaucrats with enabling legislation behind them. (Railings on the side of the bridge are good, so railings across it must be even better!) And I blame us for losing our self-discipline.
I don’t blame Obama for Pelosi-care.
Sometimes his inaction is culpable–the Syrians seem to have figured out that the scarecrow isn’t going to get off the post and do anything. But making decisions, such as executive is supposed to do from time to time, seems not to be his strong suit.
In fact, I don’t blame our teleprompter in chief for much of anything, because he hasn’t done much of anything.
I think I can blame him for the Libya debacle, though.
Comment from EZnSF
Time: August 18, 2011, 2:58 am
Capital Punishment For Liberals!
Did I just say that? Out loud?
My bad.
Somewhere in the internets I saw a yard sign:
“In 2008 you voted for Obama to prove you’re not a racist. In 2012 vote for someone else to prove you’re not an idiot”.
Comment from grasshopper
Time: August 18, 2011, 3:21 am
y’know, at this point he just needs to move whatever the presidents do at Camp David up to Martha’s Vineyard. He spends enough time there.. sheesh. How many vacations has he had just this summer, again? Is it 3, or 4, by now?
Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: August 18, 2011, 3:38 am
Hiya –
I can’t seem to stop giggling at your remarks….
Personally, I think Obama is better than any other American president I’ve seen over there in my lifetime.
My powers of deduction lead me to conclude that you must be two years old then?
His main problem is that he never ever tells anyone what he’s doing!
Perhaps you could tell us what he’s done then? Besides sign off on spending a trillion or so dollars in give-aways which haven’t helped the economy, and signing off on a healthcare plan the contents of which no one knew as “you have to pass the bill to find out what’s in it”. Oh, and doubling down on Afghanistan ” the graveyard of conquerors”(Look it up) and starting a 3rd war in Libya.
You say he’s blaming others for things – yet aren’t so many people blaming him for the whole economy crash when none of it was his fault?
It’s been two years now…. at what point does he have to take responsibility for the state of America? Next year? If it’s never going to be his fault, why was it Bush’s fault when he was President?
He’s dealt with it very well to this point in my opinion, and I believe he will continue to do so.
Yes, yes, yes…35 percent: Increase in the national debt during President Obama’s first 30 months in office, reaching $14.3 trillion at the beginning of July. Unemployment at 9 percent and staying there. Since you’re a student , you don’t care about that….yet.
What about the healthcare plan? Failure. Why? Health insurance companies get no more money.
Christ, you are a bit dense aren’t you? The health care companies LOVE the plan. Why? Because it makes it illegal NOT to BUY health insurance from one of the private companies. If you don’t BUY insurance, the government will fine you. If you are poor enough, or illegal, the government will tax everyone who isn’t poor or illegal and give you money to BUY insurance.
It’s all about money and rights in America, and not responsibilities…
How about taking responsibility for your own health care?
You really are a muffin, aren’t you? I’d ask you to save your post and put it in an envelope for 10 years. Perhaps you’ll be employed by then and over your naivete. If you ARE employed (given the large and growing market for graphic artist) you’ll get to pay a large portion of your taxes to the support the (current) 52% of people who don’t pay any, and the rest to pay off the interest on $14.3 trillion. Your share, as of today is (each citizen’s share) of this debt is $46,914.95*. Oh and thanks to the miracle of compound interest, that’ll grow.
* you can double that since only half the population pays taxes.
Comment from EZnSF
Time: August 18, 2011, 3:51 am
I love steamed vegetables.
Comment from Anonymous
Time: August 18, 2011, 4:25 am
I’m guessing he will now bypass congress on everything and with his czars, executive order us the rest of the way down the shitter.
Comment from Andrea Harris
Time: August 18, 2011, 5:18 am
The only possible reply to Hiyu is this:
My cat eats cat food.
Comment from Veeshir
Time: August 18, 2011, 5:30 am
No more will the president be focusing primarily on issues that can attract bipartisan support
Okay, is this comedy or for real?
Bipartisan? If the GOP wanted mustard on their hot dogs he would get the EPA to declare mustard a hazardous material.
Well, unless by “bipartisan” they mean bisexual partisans.
Wait, that still doesn’t make any sense.
It’s funny how often today’s “journalists” write exactly the story I would write trying to be funny.
Comment from Oceania
Time: August 18, 2011, 6:23 am
Hey Weasel!
Check this out: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2026723/Gypsies-immigration-officers-home-Proms.html
Comment from MIke C.
Time: August 18, 2011, 7:28 am
I’ve seen this movie before. Not to be a spoiler, but the big ship hits the iceberg and sinks, with great loss of life.
Buy more ammo…
Comment from Mr. Dave
Time: August 18, 2011, 8:31 am
Importing a meme (and I know that many of you are Ewok lovers)….
“Obama is a stuttering clusterf*ck of a miserable failure.”
Comment from Stuttering Clusterfrack of Miserable Failure
Time: August 18, 2011, 12:45 pm
Mr. Dave, I demand satisfaction.
Battleaxes at dawn.
Comment from surly ermine
Time: August 18, 2011, 1:33 pm
Wow Oceania, that’s f’d up. If i come home to a house full of squatters I promise … violence will ensue. Hell I figured she was gone on extended holiday er something but no, she was only away the weekend.
Comment from Mark Matis
Time: August 18, 2011, 2:14 pm
For Mike C.:
One can only hope that it will mostly be appropriate lives that are lost…
Comment from David Gillies
Time: August 18, 2011, 5:57 pm
I can’t think of how you could further damage his brand short of putting cyanide in Tylenol. Wait, someone already tried that.
As for Hiyu, it must be strange to go through life with everything tasting of Obama’s asshole.
Comment from Gromulin
Time: August 18, 2011, 6:52 pm
So the Mormons are running California? I’ve lived here all my life, now it all makes sense.
Diabolical, those Mormons. Pretending to be leftist freetards all this time. Absolutely diabolical.
Comment from Gromulin
Time: August 18, 2011, 6:58 pm
Buy more ammo…
And primers, brass, propellant and bulk bullets…
Bacon and Bourbon, too.
Comment from Mark Matis
Time: August 18, 2011, 7:01 pm
For David Gillies:
Wrong side. One brews one’s fresh hot black tea from the front. One gets one’s hot (lumpy) chocolate from the back. Hiyu sounds more like tea than chocolate…
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: August 18, 2011, 7:25 pm
@Gromulin – …Bibles, blankets, bandages, bug repellant, beef jerky…
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