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Dog’s breakfast

The artwork isn’t mine. It’s one of the first page links on an image search of “dog’s breakfast.” Tineye turned up too many versions to attribute it properly.

Anyhoo — bit of a random link roundup for week’s end. I don’t remember where any of this came from; it’s just some tabs currently open on my browser.

You know that thing about how there are more people alive today than have ever lived? Nope. Not even close. Also, per the BBC’s handy calculator, I am the 3,029,753,026th living person born on this earth and the 76,672,989,525th ever to have lived.

I feel special.

In the Summer of 1896, railroad employee William George Crush decided to boost the fortunes of the sagging Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway Company by staging a head-on collision between two of the company’s obsolete trains. For spectators. Like a monster truck rally. It didn’t work out so great, but then it didn’t work out as badly as it could have, either. Also, Scott Joplin wrote a song for the occasion.

No, it is not called sunday-SUNDAY-SUNDAY!

Speaking of train wrecks, Dr Seuss tried his hand at an adult book. Seldom in the field of artistic endeavor has nudity been less salacious.

And speaking of art, this guy put an ant colony in his scanner and scanned it once a week for five years. I’m a sucker for time lapse.

Oh! Reader Can’t hark my cry alerted me to this one: Lizzie Borden’s lawyer’s diary has been donated to the Fall River Historical Society. Sounds interesting if not completely revelatory. They’ll put it online eventually.

Finally, in a related matter, murdrum was a fine levied on the local Saxon population when a Norman was murdered by persons unknown. The distinction was between murder, which is done in secret, and homicide, which I guess you did in front of your mom and everybody. Do you know, there’s still more than a touch of the Saxon/Norman divide in England? The invader didn’t interbreed with the invaded much.

There, that should keep the bastards busy for a while. Good weekend, folks!


Comment from Can\’t hark my cry
Time: March 9, 2012, 11:15 pm

Cool, you tracked down the local paper’s news article–I saw the URL on the AP story, but it looked like it was going to take some digging. . .

Martins said trial records are in possession of the law firm Robinson, Donovan, Madden & Barry of Springfield, founded by Robinson in 1866.
Martins said the Society will make no attempts to secure those documents. He said Lizzie Borden paid to be represented and is entitled to attorney and client confidentiality.

Classy. I think. But another part of me is thinking “That firm still has records from the 1890’s? They must own the world’s largest collection of filing cabinets not in government hands!”

And, actually. . .Mr. Jennings’s journals would be equally covered by the attorney-client confidentiality rule, so. Hm. Interesting ethical conundrum there; probably the distinction being drawn is that the descendants who turned over the journals aren’t subject to the attorney discipline rules, whereas if the law firm releases those files now, its partners might be. Huhn.

Pardon me while I obsess!

Glad the lead was successful.

Oh, yeah–love the graphic!

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: March 10, 2012, 12:43 am

This is my new favorite thing in the whole, wide world.

It’s a lot like my mama’s banana pudding.

Comment from Anfalz
Time: March 10, 2012, 1:03 am

Stoat-Weasel Turns Wegman-ish was my first reaction.

Comment from Feynmangroupie
Time: March 10, 2012, 1:31 am

Damn you Stoaty!

I’m trying to diet here! Jeezus but it was making me drool just reading about it. The Husband’s gonna think I’ve gone overboard and have me committed.

Mmmmm. As long as there’s pie.

Comment from Dennis
Time: March 10, 2012, 3:20 am

Seuss. You can’t have nudes without nipples. Don’t know what these are but they can’t be nudes

Comment from Oceania
Time: March 10, 2012, 7:22 am


Comment from S. Weasel
Time: March 10, 2012, 2:17 pm

Awwww…dammit. Awesome comics artist Moebius is dead.

Comment from MikeW
Time: March 10, 2012, 4:54 pm

Awesome again, Stoats. One of your most interesting eclectic collections in quite a while.

The narrative about the train wreck was pretty cool. Why couldn’t they ever have stuff like that back in history class? Would have made things more lively.

On the Seuss issue… Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!! Ser-i-ous-ly?? The artwork is unmistakably Seuss. (Although, I do wonder if anyone has duplicated his art style.) My eyes really bugged at one drawing tho; the page after the girl looking in the horse’s mouth could be the Seuss-ish illustration of Myth-busters covering the old “Catherine the Great and her Horse legend.” Too, too, funny.

I suppose that just offers more support to the argument that adults who are centered on children are all a bunch of pervs. There seemed to be an air about the piece of it being a ‘porn primer’ for kids. Funny at first, but with a slightly creepy aftertaste. Icky!

Thanks for the links and a good chuckle.

Comment from MikeW
Time: March 10, 2012, 6:59 pm

Just looked into the Banoffee thing. Hmm…

Found the “most authentic, true and original Banoffi (with an ‘i’) recipe.” This is Dowding’s online version referenced on the Wiki page.

I’d have to give a bit of thought before I try to cook some grenades in our oven. Heh. “Desertspoon” and “gas mark” are new units of measure for me. Not too sure, though, about the ‘coffee grounds’ used as a topping sprinkle (the instant goes in the cream).

I’d guess it’s quite tasty, as many home-style, comfort food recipes are. But, OMG, this does nothing to raise the idea of British cooking from its depths… Boil some cans in the oven for several hours, dump them in a dish with a few old bananas and throw coffee grounds on the top. Gah!

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: March 10, 2012, 7:33 pm

Oh, shit…Peter Bergman of Firesign Theater, also dead.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: March 10, 2012, 7:39 pm

Quite difficult to adjust recipes for over here, Mike. Gas marks aside, they describe recipe in weight, not volume. Accurate kitchen scales are important.

Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: March 11, 2012, 1:57 am

Dr. Seuess nudes, Moebius strips, shoes for the dead and a train wreck.

Comment from Orabidoo
Time: March 11, 2012, 4:55 am

Has the young fox skirmisher returned to sniff your chook undergarments, SWeas?

While you concoct Banoffee coagulant, this rotund tubby lad tesco-frequenting “public servant” was no doubt pleading for counseling with His Grace Lord Fistleton, Royal Bayliff of Swans, Pigeonry and Foxen.


A Britisher standing up to any bread fancier?!
It is simply not done, oulde chappie.
Look at what happened to Tony Martin, Of Bleak House, Norfolke.
If it was a Traveller fox, doubly frigtfull ‘mafraid.

Comment from Christopher Taylor
Time: March 11, 2012, 5:25 pm

There’s a story out of Iraq that “moral police” are stoning kids with emo hair cuts to death. Now, while that’s an excessive response I still am challenged to generate much outrage…

Comment from Mr. Dave
Time: March 12, 2012, 1:29 pm

The Missouri, Kansas and Texas railroad (the MKT) was known as The Katy. It terminated in Katy, Texas where the rice was milled. Taj Mahal wrote about it too: “She caught the Katy, left me a mule to ride”.

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