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Last one, I promise


Something a little different today.

Well, I’ve had fun. I hope you’ve had fun. Bitch makes so many goofy faces, I could do this for the rest of my life.

But I won’t. I promise.

Meet you back here next week for Xmas Countdown…! Good weekend, y’all!

December 16, 2016 — 9:48 pm
Comments: 14

I call this one ‘tragicomic’


Once again, the big version required no Photoshopping at all. The picture was knicked from this article in Politico. I recommend it. It’s schadenfreudelicious!

We went to the office Christmas party tonight. Read: room full of elderly academics drinking wine and reading poetry aloud. It was a strange and wonderful thing.

December 15, 2016 — 10:58 pm
Comments: 13

Wednesday’s Hillary is full of woe


Sadly, the big color version is not very big or very sharp. The original image was soft. But I liked her face. You know…in a horrible, mocking way.

I did a little P’shop on this one. Believe it or don’t, the first two this week were not ‘shopped in any way.

She is just. That. Haggard.

December 14, 2016 — 9:12 pm
Comments: 10

Aw, let’s do this again


The big version isn’t very big on this one, but I loved the look on her face.

Contrary to some of my cherished commenters, I’m confident in saying this woman will never, ever be president. Any chicanery big enough to put her in office would probably result in a civil war.

It’s like when people ask me if I’m comfortable taking dual citizenship. And the answer is — I realize it’s possible the US and the UK would go to war with each other and I might have to make an unpleasant choice, but the conditions necessary to make that happen within my lifetime would be so catastrophic and huge that I probably wouldn’t survive them anyway.

There, now. I’d better get busy. I brought some work home with me, and it’s not even fun work — it’s proofreading an Honour Roll of the local WWI dead. The most horrible of horrible wars, I hate everything about that one.

December 13, 2016 — 8:42 pm
Comments: 13

Pff! Guys, she’s fine. See?


Have you ever laughed so hard, your soul came out your nose?

Yeah, I should have spent more time on the finishing touches. But I’ll be honest, fam, this thing was freaking me out.

September 12, 2016 — 8:09 pm
Comments: 14

Just for fun…


Heh. Deborah HH suggested this pitcha in the previous thread comments. I had fun making it.

Problem is, I don’t think Che would object, I don’t think Bernie would object and I don’t think Bernie’s supporters would object. And, honestly, if a picture isn’t mean-spirited and off-pissing, it kinda ruins the game.

March 15, 2016 — 8:39 pm
Comments: 20

Hillary’s excellent explanation


I find this mesmerizing.

August 19, 2015 — 9:15 pm
Comments: 13

Because you can have too much nature, is why


Beautiful sunny day in our garden today, so I stayed inside and made laserbeams shoot out of Mary Poppins’ eyes.

Oh, right. Here ya go.

Did I ever tell you my Mary Poppins story? I was five when the movie came out and I was absolutely besotted with it. Made my poor mother take me back to see it, like, five times.

After the last time, I said to her, “Mother, if you died, do you think there’s any chance Papa would remarry Julie Andrews?”

Yeah, I don’t think our relationship ever fully recovered.

It’s Friday! Go forth and have an awesome weekend. And no, nobody had Omar Sharif in the Dead Pool, unless they spelled it funny.

July 10, 2015 — 8:14 pm
Comments: 17

Doesn’t she have people?

Today’s mini scandal, Hillary! telling a supporter to get to the end of the line. ‘Tis a small thing, Twitter’d out of all proportion, but it is remarkable how much robot Hillary! projects whenever she opens her mouth.

As a side observation, I’m going to become so familiar with extant photographs of European aristocracy in the next two years.

Oh, speaking of icky, they’ve moved my bin day. While Monday really sucked enough without a garbage collecting exercise at the end of it, I am NEVER going to remember to put it out Wednesday night.

June 1, 2015 — 9:47 pm
Comments: 14

Don’t worry, folks

He’s got this.

May 26, 2015 — 8:15 pm
Comments: 11