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Could this week get ANY MORE AWESOME?

Air America is dead. Deceased. Pining for the fjords. Bleedin’ demised. Passed on. Is no more. Has ceased to be. Expired and gone to meet its maker. A stiff. Bereft of life. Rests in peace. Pushing up daisies. Metabolic processes are now history. Off the twig. Kicked the bucket. Shuffled of this mortal coil. Rung down the curtain and joined the bleedin’ choir eternal.



January 21, 2010 — 6:28 pm
Comments: 32

Nancy’s last chance to pass the health care bill

You are getting sleeeeeepy. Your eyes are getting heavvvvvvvvy. You suddenly cannot wait to vote for a career-ending massively unpopular honking huge entitlement program.

— 5:58 pm
Comments: 18