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Kim Jong-dead

I did not do this. This is not my work. God help me, it might even be real. Tineye found 129 copies of this, and not one (that I could find) with an explanation.

No Photoshop of mine could top this, so I didn’t try.

The two official DPRK sites I know of (here and here) haven’t caught up with the news yet. That probably means screaming chaos behind the scenes for the foreseeable. They’re worth a look anyway — always a zany, madcap romp through the Wonderland of the East.

I’m pretty sure this chubby young man isn’t sleeping too soundly tonight. Kim Jong-un was never officially named heir, he’s the youngest of the three sons, and Kim’s brother-in-law is apparently a contender, too.

If you’ll recall, it took three years for Kim Jong-il to consolidate his power, and even then, his dead father Kim Il-sung remained president. And still is.

My, my…what an interesting year.

December 19, 2011 — 8:27 pm
Comments: 32


Okay, everybody. Very. Quietly. Don’t make a scene. I need you to…just…edge away from Mrs Peel.

With Kim Jong Il, she’s just won the Dead Pool. Twice.

In a row.

New Dead Pool next Friday. The ante-penultimate day before Christmas.

Be here. If Mrs Peel spares us.

— 10:36 am
Comments: 33