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Anybody know where I can get a tiny coyote?

I has an anvil! It is a tiny, tiny anvil, and it is mine.

Turns out, the general shape of thing worked out by generations of blacksmiths is equally useful on the miniature scale. These things are intended for jewelers.

I’ve always wanted one for, like, generally doing tiny things to tiny things, but I specifically bought this one as an aid to hand-cutting pearl. I’ve cut a few bits to replace missing inlays on an old banjo, and I was forever trying to find the edge of a book or something to prop the blank against. Then I thought, hey, I know…

If you’ve got twenty minutes, this is an interesting little film showing Vietnamese young ‘uns cutting pearl inlay sets for instruments the West. These are for de Paule Luthier Supply in the States. To see how cheaply you can really get this many man-hours of pearl cutting, you have to check eBay.

Income disparity, the ancient friend of the arts.

July 23, 2012 — 10:09 pm
Comments: 21