Okay, hear me out…
Tonight we went to a talk on crop circles. I wasn’t all that hot to go — not really my thing — but we promised friends.
Hoo boy, was it interesting. I wasn’t convinced by any particular theory (he wasn’t pushing any particular theory). He showed us dozens of photographs (out of, apparently, ten thousand known circles) and several things are factually indisputable:
■ There are still hundreds of them appearing every year, mostly across Europe.
■ The most complex ones are made stunningly fast, sometimes right by a busy road, without anyone being spotted nearby.
■ And holy shit have they gotten elaborate! Seriously, look at this Google Image search.
Some are definitely man-made, but the ones that people have taken credit for making are, in a word, pretty lame. They take a long time to make, are pretty simple and look kind of wonky. None of the perfect circles and long, straight lines.
Nobody has stepped forward to claim any of the really amazing ones, and nobody who makes them can figure out how the amazing ones were done. They are HUGE and complex and precise and amazing. The one in the picture at the top has a sort of wheaten basket weave, for example.
Now, when you get to the one that show a giant dot-matrix portrait of a typical X-Files gray holding a disk with legible digital message in ASCII English, you feel sure somebody’s pulling your leg. But that’s just it — how the fuck are they doing it?
May 12, 2016 — 10:09 pm
Comments: 22