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Be part of a crowd (maybe)


This came across my desk today. It’s a map of the 1,100 known wrecks along the South Coast of England between 1914 and 1918.


It speaks to the brutal efficacy of the u-boat blockade that very nearly starved Britain in the Great War.

The Maritime Archaeology Trust has gotten a grant to work with diving clubs to crowd-research identifying some of these wrecks from the bzillions of artefacts they’ve brought up. I haven’t looked at the particulars, so I don’t know if it’s something a Yank might be permitted to join from the comfort of his favorite armchair.

The project’s main website is here (the site is well worth a browse even if you don’t want to participate).

If you just want to look at cool pictures, the Maritime Archaeology Trust’s Sketchfab site is here. Sketchfab is for 3D, so you can make their models go ’round and ’round.

RimrockR wins the dick! John Glenn dead at 95. What say ye — is there time to queue up another Dead Pool for tomorrow, or would you feel rushed?

The ‘ayes’ have it — new Dead Pool Round 92. Tomorrow. 6WBT. Be here!

December 8, 2016 — 8:50 pm
Comments: 18