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I belong to half a dozen chicken groups on Facebook and they’re all going nuts: FB has banned sale of animals. To include eggs for hatching, swapping chickens, roosters free to a good home, ‘pm me for more information’, the lot.

I mean hard ban. They’re disappearing groups that slip up, sometimes without warning. Moderators have to watch forums and pounce on posts. Some are giving up and shuttering their pages. This hits the hobby chicken people badly, as FB was one of their main avenues for moving birds.

It happened after PETA bought shares and the speculation is obvious. According to the PETA press release that links to, they bought shares because FB kept censoring their gross animal pictures. And I noticed the “PETA kills animals” group is still up, so make of that what you will.

I’ve delivered rants in the long-ago on PETA and its founder, nutty Ingrid Newkirk. Honestly, one of the most evil puppy-murdering organizations on the planet.

Anyway, the sale ban is fairly recent, but I thought of it today because somebody in a local group was trying to sell a kitten. I knew the ad would vanish toot-sweet, and it did.

Yeah. Got me. Been kitten shopping.

September 19, 2019 — 4:37 pm
Comments: 9