…and a lady in a chicken costume…
Specifically, Maude Adams, appearing as a rooster in the 1911 Broadway adaptation of Chantecler. Look at that costume! Look at the those feet! I want this. (O would I put the fear of God into Mo).
But that’s not what I want to talk about.
I want to talk about how the eco-nazis have done a hard pivot to veganism. Isn’t it stunning how they coordinate these things? It’s almost like they have some kind of list.
I was going to ask if they were droning on about it in the States in quite the same way, and then I remembered last night’s Golden Globe Awards dinner went vegan. All those private jets leading to all those idling private limousines were surely ecologically balanced by the lack of meat on the table.
(psst…if you haven’t seen Ricky Gervais deliver his savage opening monologue, it’s worth 8 minutes of your day).
How typical. Let’s concede meat is bad for the planet (I don’t, but let’s). If you harped on this loudly and longly enough, you could probably guilt people into cutting down. Maybe go for Meatless Monday — do it for the planet! It’s not a lot, but it’s achievable.
You might even get a few takers on vegetarianism. Maybe a few people who were already leaning that way could nudged over the line.
But full on veganism? Pushing that to all of Great Britain? Or the U.S.? That’s a big ask of a largely indifferent population. Ain’t nobody going to make that sacrifice just to appease the Swedish Doom Goblin.
So they’d rather make no improvement than improve less than the maximum. If that isn’t empty virtue signalling, I don’t know what is.
January 6, 2020 — 8:09 pm
Comments: 8