Semi kinda sorta lockdown
Behold, the spectral image of the prime minister, giving us a bollicking just now.
To be fair, people have been awful about self-isolating, particularly in the cities. But I’m not sure he made the rules any clearer. You’re allowed to go out for one ‘exercise activity’ a day — a run or walk or summat. You can go to the park, but police have the power to break up groups. You can go for a medical need or to take care of a vulnerable person. And to work. And you can go to the store for food.
We’ve been good so far and lucky to get a couple of food delivery slots. We haven’t so much as looked at a can of beans yet. But…tomorrow, Wellington has his second set of shots. Is a vet visit a medical need?
Our upstairs shower is broken. Can we call the plumber? Should we?
This plague business is awfully confusing.
March 23, 2020 — 8:48 pm
Comments: 17