Just in Time for Christmas!
Yay! A mailing from the Museum of Bad Art!
The theme of this year’s 16-month calendar is “DOPPLEHANGERS – An examination of paintings from the MOBA Collection that, accidentally or by design, resemble famous people.” MOBA merch including calendar here.
It’s one of my two regrets about leaving the States that I never visited the Museum of Bad Art in person, though I worked nearby. (The other is not spending the night at the Lizzie Borden B&B).
They totally redesigned their website, I see. Most of these paintings are unfamiliar and my favorites aren’t there.
You can see most of the collection online. Many’s the evening I got a snootful of joy juice and had a cruel snicker at some other poor artist’s expense. My secret nightmare is finding something of mine has made the grade (I left a lot of old, unfinished art at the curb when I left).
November 30, 2020 — 8:05 pm
Comments: 6