Literally two seconds
Still addicted to watching YouTubes of police body cam arrests. I’ve watched so many field sobriety tests, I catch myself rooting for the suspects. You go girl, you totally aced that heel-to-toe thing.
Honestly, some of those people did alright, from what I can see. Either the cops are looking at something special, or they’re just basing the bust on the smell of alcohol.
One thing I am as sure as sure can be – if I ever have to take the field sobriety test, I’m totally going to jail. I’ve always been badly uncoordinated and I’m losing my balance as I get older. Forget the heel-to-toe thing, I can’t last two seconds with my arms to my sides and one foot in the air. Literally two seconds. They’re looking for thirty.
Ironically, I do better after I have a couple of drinks.
p.s. Good thing I don’t have a driver’s license, huh?
p.p.s. That’s not me in the picture. It’s an Arizona judge after ‘a couple’ of glasses of wine.
p.p.p.s. Have a wunnerful weekend!
September 15, 2023 — 7:42 pm
Comments: 9