I apologize in advance
And now for something completely different. The Litterbox section was where I put the less savory bits of weaselbrain.
It started with a couple of True Crime stories. I had originally intended to do a whole True Crime site. Remember, this was early days and every idea hadn’t been done to death yet.
I never really gave up on the idea. When I moved, I brought my enormous TC library with me. Not only did I buy such books, but both my parents did and sent me their paperbacks when they were done. I managed to accrue a whole bunch
I’d honestly like to get rid of them now. I’ve forgotten most of the stories I wanted to tell. I’d like to find someone just starting a TC site or podcast and ship the lot to ’em. Any ideas how I could go about looking?
But this post isn’t about True Crime. Oh, no. This is an essay about human genitals.
May 8, 2024 — 5:00 pm
Comments: 3