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You know how people say they laughed out loud but you know what that means is they smirked a little in their heads? Well, I genuinely laughed out loud at this video. Uncle B leaned out the kitchen window and asked what was wrong with me. (Huh. I didn’t know he was there).

It’s about Inspirobot, an AI for writing inspirational quotes, and there are some doozies. The man’s delivery helps.

At first I thought the creators had done the “Cards Against Humanity” thing, where they seeded it full of phrases that were guaranteed to match up in funny ways and only funny ways. Amusing at first, boring after a while.

But I’ve been playing with the Inspirobot itself, and it does seem more of a good faith effort. For the most part. Its platitudes are nonsensical, but bland. I’ve only seen one picture repeat.

Except they have given it some vocabulary words it shouldn’t have that can’t help but pop up in inappropriate ways.

Hey, changing the subject – real question. Have you ever come across a rogue bee? There was a bee that harassed Uncle B this morning, in his face, buzzing around his head, and would NOT leave him alone until he went inside. Happened again later when he came back out. Happened to me after work, also twice.

Then we were just standing there talking and a bee flew up and stung him on the arm. Left the stinger behind and everything. He’s got a nasty dark spot in the middle of the sting, which I don’t recall seeing before.

The rest of the bees (there are always bees on the chimbly; we have bees in the attic) were perfectly calm and normal.

I assume it was the same bee all day and he was just…psycho?

June 24, 2024 — 6:43 pm
Comments: 15