Google search terms 2004
Put to bed Friday, April 01, 2005
Whenever you visit a web site, you give that site's server a bit of information about yourself. Your IP address, what browser and operating system you use, which page was the first you looked at or the last you looked at. If you arrived at the site by clicking a link, the server records the site that hosted the link. If you found the site through a search, it records the search engine and the phrase you plugged into it. It's all dumped into a big log file that can be tweazed apart and analyzed using a variety of log analyzer tweazer thingies. Studying this information helps webmasters better their websites.

Except for unserious webmasters, who study the information to laugh at users cruelly. Everyone who analyzes logs occasionally finds strange and delightful search phrases that arise when the engine finds unrelated words from different parts of the site, words which somehow found themselves bizarrely side-by-side in someone's search criteria.

Some people write whole sentences. This can sometimes be a good search strategy, particularly if you compose it as an answer rather than a question, because that very combination of words may be the obvious way to phrase the answer. But I get the feeling these users are chatting with the internet. You imagine them burning joss sticks before their monitors when they present their petition.

The one word searches are most strange. Seriously, what do people expect Google to tell them when they type in a single word — like "sunshine" — and what on earth made them think Auntie was the answer to that question? And how many hundreds of pages come up before Auntie? It boggles the mind. I have yet to work out how many pages of search you have to go through before this place is suggested for "weasel," but I got 25 pages in before I got bored and distracted by all the pretty woats and steasels.

I started saving log analyses in February, 2004, and my log files include information from other, businessy sites I host (that's right...there are people who let Auntie within miles of their businesses), but it's pretty easy to tell which hits are mine. Enjoy some of my very favoritest Google search terms - some because they are so very silly, some because I truly don't understand how they led to me, and some because I'm so gosh-darn proud when people turn to me first for information about moonshine, mayonnaise and wicky-wacky-woo. With dupes removed (that's right...some of these words turn up month after month, time and again), they are...

RUNNING TOTALS. Googlers who turned to Auntie for advice on...
making moonshine: 43
weasel: 93
Lyrics to...
Yes, We Have No Bananas: 73
Tiptoe Through the Tulips: 77
February, 2004

ausgerechnet bananen frank silver
can i but the ingredients in a market 
     to make moonshine
chinese restaurant supply
female gladiator
highwaymen of the 17 and 1800's
hot mustard sinuses
how to make a thump keg
if you like ukulele lady
making my own vampire web page
mayonnaise and recipe and oil and water 
     and egg and vinegar and
mustard enzymes
my god persian women are gorgeous  
my habits
personal adult home web page
wacky woo
weasel's characteristics
wing yip chinese
March, 2004

painting clouds
penicillin moldy
emulsion: mayonnaise
brochure design anglo
creature great greek half-deity hero
erotic films of the 1920's
etchasketch metal aluminum
horror films
hotdog mustard
how far to the nearest star
how to make commercial mayonnaise
i like pie i like cake
moldy veg
my habits
personal web site photo erotic
she has lied to me
she lied to me
she told me she loved me but she lied
ten happy fingers
water surface tension milk vinegar oil
òàíèò ëè
April, 2004

how do weasel look
auntie weasel
a man lay down by the sewer
banana string lights
cry girl
do tulips have a stigma
e-rotic official web page
lied to me
markessa of france
my best thanks to all of 
     you in a official conference
my own web site of me
no honions
painting clouds
she lied to me
song prune song
spell mother
Танит Ли
May, 2004

howard johnson
weasel field
weasel mouse
gold diggers
lied to me
mages in training
weasel auntie
whatever happened to web site
Lee T�nith
Are those weird characters what ASCII makes of Chinese or Arabic?

June, 2004

moldy mouse
baby blues
how to tune a uke
little girl
mayonnaise surface surfactant
motorola startac st7868w display error
motorola t730c wet
pig uterus chinese recipe
rat god
ten minute monologue
unusual web site creation
weasel's the animal
Man, I always feel bad when someone hits this site looking for helpful technical information about his cell phone. Hahaha! NOT!

July, 2004

200 proof best moonshine
art class naked men
butter boils at
greek headresses
Look, dude, she lied to you. It happens. Get over it already.

August, 2004

isi cream
weasel's cousin
brittania trident image
cooking pig uterus
marriage württemberg tax florin
motorola t730c
phrygian smurfs -wikipedia
pig uterus recipes
For the record, I've gone 360 sites into a Google search on pig uterus recipes without finding myself. Somebody was looking really hard. And, no, I haven't got one.

September, 2004

a penny for your thoughts proposed 
     composition of penny zinc an
break a penny--
cult films
raw chicken
scavenger's daughter
The scavenger's daughter is a medieval torture device that fits around a crouching person and squeezes him — sort of an anti-rack. I knew this, but I've never written about it. You reckon Google's spidering my head?

October, 2004

normal masks
bad weasel
buying junk silver
cow brand butter ghee
fat mary mary adelaide
symbolism of dimes
the surreal meaning of my name esther
weasel and symbolism
November, 2004

cooked cat
1800's diary covers
a wine cordial/ mustah
award winning commercial spaghetti sauces
christmas official site
incense filetype:gif
laboratory mice
motorola t730c
my web page beautiful lady
penny squishing machine
princess wiring western electric
solarsystem planets
taft- weasel
the mob like fat people
world flora official website 
Cooked cat showed up twice, and again in December. And, no, I don't have that recipe, either.

December, 2004

chinese mustard
forster weasel
god interest in mankind
home plans
homer simpson pie songs
i've got to get rid of this stuff!
intrinsically funny words
oui oui oui all the way home
rhymes with underwear
roman gods list mid winter festival
seducer of women
she told me she loved me but how she lied
thing on the tails side of the dime
toyota sketchbook
weasel symbolism
Any poor bastard coming to me to learn more about god's interest in mankind is in a world of hurt. All I can say is: rhymes with underwear. That's right: despair!


See you in the new year. Remember, Googlies — Auntie's watching!  

©2005. Anyone who would make off with this box of shite deserves everything he gets.