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At last – I’m a world-class athlete!

Did you see this? It’s from an online ‘zine called Self making the rounds. This issue is devoted to the Future of Fitness. This particular picture was captioned “What the Future of Fitness Really Looks Like.”

Yes, apparently, the future of fitness is morbidly obese. Who knew?

I’m not entirely sure what they’re playing at. The whole front of the magazine is ham planets, but dig further in and they have a traditional weight loss category in their food section.

Have a poke around if you want to feel svelte after your traditional holiday enbiggening.


Comment from durnedyankee
Time: January 13, 2022, 10:34 pm

“Ham planets”
Nearly fell out of my chair. Thank Gaia I wasn’t drinking a Dr Pepper when I read that.

Still chortling.

Ham planets, gaaaahhhhhhh….LOL.

Comment from Uncle Al
Time: January 14, 2022, 12:48 am

I like “ham planet” a lot, too! I like it a ton, in fact.

Adding to the sweasel.com phrase book, I once saw Oprah Winfrey described as looking like 300 pounds of bear liver in a Hefty bag.

As for the magazine title “Self” all I can say is speak for your.

Comment from Teej
Time: January 15, 2022, 8:06 pm

I saw some of the pics earlier. The one weez shared is by no means the most nauseating: that would be the one with an artfully torn shirt to expose belly. Lots and lots of belly.
The chick is a yoga instructor! Which just proves you can be flexy and still not, yknow, fit.

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