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George Floyd: The Game

The games industry is going the way of Hollywood, using exactly the same formula: spending hundreds of millions on projects that swap out men for women, white people for brown people and forget to include any element of entertainment.

I know most of you don’t know from games, but I wanted this image posted on my blog somewhere. For posterity. The latest Assassin’s Creed game is set in feudal Japan, and this is the protagonist.

The story goes it was in development for several years and featured a pair of (duh) Japanese protagonists. Then George Floyd and the BLM riots happened, and they did this. Look at those two faces and tell me this is not George Floyd, straight up.

It’s so much worse than it looks. In released footage, this giant black man towers over waves of little Japanese soldiers, smashing them right and left with a big spiked club (the blood spew animations are impressive), while hip hop music plays.

Reports are they thought gamers would love, love, LOVE this thing. Like everyone was just itching to watch George Floyd get his revenge.

No surprise, everyone hate, hate, HATES it (it was even angrily discussed in the Japanese parliament) and the game company doesn’t know what to do. It’s too late to change it much and too much money has been spent to scrap it, but it’s set to become a hellacious, company-destroying flop. From a company that has had several painfully expensive tone-deaf flops in a row.

And all they had to do is ask some actual gamers to look before they got this far.


Comment from The Regulator Guy
Time: October 15, 2024, 7:33 pm

It’s funny. This was the Assassin’s Creed that AC fans have been clamoring for. (Not me personally, but the Japanese samurai setting is widely popular.) It could have been Ubisoft’s biggest seller in years, but DEI has most likely screwed the pooch for them. But this guy in the American Civil War antebellum era — now that could be an interesting game.

Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: October 15, 2024, 8:54 pm

I can take it you haven’t been watching the Lord of the Rings sacrilege that is “The Rings of Power”

South park has summed it all up best – “Put a chick in it! Make her gay!”

Comment from Rich Rostrom
Time: October 15, 2024, 9:19 pm

Like everyone was just itching to watch George Floyd get his revenge.

How does one get revenge on one’s self?

Comment from QuasiModo
Time: October 15, 2024, 9:37 pm

I thought that guy looked familiar, huh.

I just watch Asian movies and TV shows these days, everything else is crap.

Comment from Uncle Al
Time: October 15, 2024, 9:46 pm

Like everyone was just itching to watch George Floyd get his revenge.

That must mean the giant black man smashes fentanyl dealers right and left with a big spiked club (with impressive blood spew animations), accompanied by hip hop music demonic grunting and growling.

Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: October 15, 2024, 10:20 pm

@Quasimodo – I know, right?
I can do the Korean and Japanese shows and movies, something about Mandarin though, maybe it’s Cantonese, just can’t do the languages.

And I will not do English dubs, just no.

Comment from Some vegetable
Time: October 16, 2024, 12:22 am

I have to say that the premise is just… insane. Assuming the existence of “George Floyd” et al in medieval Japan… supposedly brought there by a Portuguese Catholic Priest… he would have a novelty item… bought or acquired because: “Wow, ain’t nobody never seen nuthin like that! Can’t wait to show him off at parties!” The functional equivalent of having the first kangaroo in the country. If he was given samurai armor to wear it would have been exactly like dressing up a child like that – the incongruity makes it amusing.

He would have never learned enough of the Japanese language to be of any value in fighting or even anything beyond doing basic fetch and carry. Japanese is not easy to grasp – God knows I’ve been working at it long enough. He’d have been of as much value in a fight …as that kangaroo.

If he were given a katana he’d have gotten his ass handed to him -after it was sliced neatly off. Samurai weren’t just brutes swinging around sharp things. They trained from childhood. The Samurai did regularly use war clubs (kanebo) and they were very effective. However, if his brute strength had gotten him through a few rounds, and he wasn’t shot with a musket or whatever his opponents would have just sent a Ninja to murder him in his sleep. Dare we say they’d just use an assassin?

To suggest that he would have been superior to a Samurai in that culture at that time in any way is pretty insulting to the Japanese culture. 2,000 years of developing the Samurai and some bozo fresh off the banana boat beats them at their own game? I don’t think so.

How could this have ever gotten to production, let alone release?

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: October 16, 2024, 7:32 am

I think the historic Yasuke was in Japan for something like 15 months. 🙄

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