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Grid cat

In ballpoint, on engineer’s grid paper, on the back of a recipe for chocolate chip cookies. Because it’s Caturday and I ain’t getting out of this comfy chair for anything.

October 10, 2020 — 5:25 pm
Comments: 1

Fat cat

Unrelated, I have joined the Prehistoric Society. I did so to get my hands on their back issues. Turns out, you can get all their newsletters online for free.

Still, you’ve got to join to get the annual Proceedings, so I’m starting there.

Fascinating stuff.

October 9, 2020 — 6:51 pm
Comments: 6

A tiny doodle

I’ve been stuck in a Zoom meeting most of the evening.

Show of hands. Those of you who Zoom, how much time do you spend staring at yourself as opposed to whoever is speaking?

October 8, 2020 — 7:08 pm
Comments: 22

I’m out of practice, y’all

My first drawing was really awful. I almost posted it anyway, but I just couldn’t, so I dashed off this bland but acceptable kitty with a ballpoint pen.

Comes from not drawing at all during the lockdown. Like any other skill, you lose your touch quickly without practice.

October 7, 2020 — 6:21 pm
Comments: 5

Watch this.

This one reminds me of something. A cartoon or an ugly bit of ceramic I used to have or something.

Say, OMG, I’m addicted to bearcam.

October 6, 2020 — 6:55 pm
Comments: 9

Drug shopping

Me, not the cat.

When I was a kid, I occasionally got terrible hives, for which I was given Benadryl. In those days, Benadryl was diphenhydramine and it was prescription. It would knock you on your butt.

So much so, it got an awful reputation and fell out of favor as an antihistamine, when other less soporific drugs were discovered. In fact, the product labelled “Benadryl” is another antihistamine entirely these days. But then diphenhydramine got a second life as a sleep aid.

Only, not here, apparently. Oh, no – Limeys want herbal remedies. Well, honestly, you can stuff your stinky valerian.

So I can get any number of diphenhydramine products from the States and pay as much in postage as I pay for the drug. Or I can get it from Latvia in a caramel-flavored liquid, which sounds dreadful. Or I can get what I hope is it in a box written entirely in Russian.

And now I’ve got that stupid Sominex jingle running through my brain.

October 5, 2020 — 5:43 pm
Comments: 13


That is all.

October 4, 2020 — 3:49 pm
Comments: 4


It’s Inktober. I post weekends, too (unless I break my streak).

October 3, 2020 — 3:49 pm
Comments: 6


I shouldn’t use my phone for this. It looks crap.

October 2, 2020 — 7:36 pm
Comments: 8

How does this keep happening?

How do I do this? How do I forget a whole month? I mean, how do you set an alarm for October?

Yeah. It’s Inktober again.

October 1, 2020 — 6:51 pm
Comments: 15