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Have we really been arguing AGW that long?

I watched an MST3K this afternoon (episode 704, 1996 — the Incredible Melting Man) and caught the clip above. Geez, I knew the notion of Global Warming went back that far, but I didn’t know we were arguing the politics that long ago.

“Pablum-puking liberals” is a Morton Downey, jr. expression, Google suggests. But whether he ever specifically addressed global warming, I could not say.

Sorry about getting a little color on my blog up there. I tried to get around it by sticking an intro on the clip, but YouTube doesn’t grab the first frame for the still. Stupid. This is my first YouTube! But possibly not my last.

Oh, and weasel’s luck! First year I had a shot at making it to the voting in the Weblog Awards, and they’ve been cancelled. Thanks for the nominations, anyhow.

January 4, 2010 — 6:08 pm
Comments: 12

I am SO TOTALLY not making this up!!!

I was going to give you a post about all the swell things we’re going to have in 2010, like antigravity boots and Thanksgiving-dinner-in-a-pill. But then we went to the supermarket and Uncle B put this in the cart. I ’bout wee’d myself.

OMFG! Uncle B is eating cheese out of a Wookey hole!

Turns out, Wookey Hole is a touristy tackfest, like Mammoth Cave or Rock City. It’s now owned by the former owner and ringmaster of Britain’s biggest circus, who declares himself delighted to be bringing cheese back to Wookey Hole.

Ahhhhhh…no. Can’t go on with a straight face. Have a good weekend, everybody!

January 1, 2010 — 6:56 pm
Comments: 40