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Positively the last coffeepost

Hand grinder. Positively the last bit of coffee equipment I’m going to buy (well, I’d like another big china cup, but that hardly counts). The blade-type grinder I’ve had forever does a mixed sort of grind, with some of the beans ground to powder and some big chunks.

A burr-type grinder, with two metal blades an adjustable width apart, will make all the grounds the same size, whatever you dial it to be.

So! Combining all the bits I’ve bought and the things I’ve learned and I made a cup of coffee and it was…very nice. I used the Monsoon Malabar that I roasted myself last week (the book says to give it five days to a week).

Nice enough to be worth it now and again, fiddly enough that I wouldn’t do it for every cup of coffee.

The truth of the matter is, though, what I really wanted to post about today were LAMBS! In the field next door! A month ahead of the usual time! But I didn’t get any good pictures.


Have a good weekend, everyone.

March 3, 2023 — 7:22 pm
Comments: 8

The future is soon, maybe

Lookee here. I asked Brave a question and I got an AI answer. And it’s right, too. I’m not sure that I buy all the wonderful things AI will do for us, though.

Microsoft’s Bing AI sounds like a lunatic. Arguing, insulting, gaslighting…even flirting.

ChatGPT is the soyest of wokesters. I’ve signed up to play with ChatGPT, but I’m having trouble getting myself properly registered. It’s an email thing.

Oh, that thing I was asking about? The Key? It was a really stupid VR freebie. Twenty minutes of dark but unimpressive imagery and the final reveal is – surprise, the main character is a refugee. Then the narrator reads a bunch of statistics about refugees while you stand in one place staring out the window of her former hovel. There were no decisions at all, that I remember, and the only difficulty was moving around because the controls were retarded.

I’ve come to the conclusion that free VR content is the way it is because creators can get government grants to make it.

March 2, 2023 — 7:41 pm
Comments: 4

Farewell to Mister Glenn Popo

Ladies and gentlemen, the world has lost a legendary ‘fro. I heard today that Po, the cockerel I managed to pawn off on a friend, has gone to the great henhouse in the sky. Died in his sleep.

He’s the one, you may recall, who inherited an entire harem when he moved, including a lady turkey. Though, I must say, the turkey didn’t care for him so I don’t think he got very far with her.

He was one of six internet eggs I hatched nearly four years ago. I called him Po – or Popo – because that’s what was written on his egg shell, presumably short for Poland. The little girls at his new home called him Mister Glenn Popo. Little girls, eh?

No, he couldn’t see very well and, when startled – and he was startled a lot – he would zoom around the garden and bump into things with much loud clonking.

I don’t like posting when I lose animals, but I have bugger-all else to say for myself. I sat around in the comfy chair all day.

March 1, 2023 — 7:18 pm
Comments: 8