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He was a very little giant

It was a weekend of flower festivals. There were four at least within our usual travel range. We went to two.

One was at Brede, where I got to visit my old friend the Brede Giant. He was a real man, but not a real giant. If he was ever in this tomb, I make him 5’6″ tops. They did call him the Giant of Brede within his lifetime, though, so who knows why.

I wrote more about his legend here (13 years ago? Have I really been cruising the flower festivals that long?).

Well, good old Bob Barker has kicked the bucket. Barker was 1/8 Sioux and grew up on an Indian reservation. Congratulations to RushBabe (you better be right about that, Uncle Al – I haven’t double checked). You know the drill!

August 28, 2023 — 7:08 pm
Comments: 2