We done did the tree
It was a dark and stormy night, almost. The wind was blowing a gale, the rain stung like needles, nearly dark, and Uncle B said cheerily, “so, we going to do the tree then?”
The tree was still in its bag in the garage at this point. Next you know, we’re out there in the gathering gloom grinding the butt off a spruce with an alligator (worked a treat, too). We made it!
Our tree this year is an abies lasiocarpa, a new species here. Internet tells me it grows from Alaska to Northern California, so you may know it. I think I knew it as a balsam fir.
It has a lovely tapering shape, top to bottom (our usual spruce is fat-bottomed and sparse at the top). It has soft needles that don’t poke you when you handle it. Sadly, though – despite what Wikipedia says – it’s not at all smelly.
We paid £43 for a 5′ tree. That’s about…$54. How does that compare?
December 11, 2023 — 8:19 pm
Comments: 9