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I have a bad feeling I might need it

I joined the Free Speech Union today. They’re the only organization I know (along with Fair Cop) sticking up for those poor bastards arrested for Facebook posts, “it’s okay to be white” stickers or silently praying in front of an abortion clinic.

It’s genuinely scary, y’all. I’m spoiled by a lifetime living under the First Amendment.

The ones you see going from arrest to sentencing in a matter of days, they’ve been persuaded to plead guilty by lawyers who I don’t think have their best interests at heart. I suspect they were told if they insisted on a trial, they’d wait in a jail cell for a year before that could happen.

Lawfare. There’s nothing lower.

The ones that don’t immediately plead guilty, though, the FSU may step in with legal aid. They’ve had some successes, thank god.

I made a resolution this year to spend more money on things I believe in. It’s little enough.

August 21, 2024 — 7:48 pm
Comments: 8