When I’m blue, I shoot people
I bet sales of computer games have gone through the roof! I know Steam has offered me several items on my wishlist at nice prices.
Like this one: Far Cry 5. Ubisoft did a clever marketing thing with it; I don’t know if you remember. When it was in development, word got out that your enemy in the game is a bunch of redneck religious nuts in Montana.
Well, the purple hairs loved this. If you’re not aware, computer games are yet another sphere of entertainment they are attempting to suck all the fun out of. The idea that you run around shooting MAGA-hatters delighted a certain chunk of the prospective audience and dismayed an even larger one. It was a tetchy time in 2018.
Then the game came out and it’s true: you shoot rednecks. But you also are a redneck yourself and all your friends and allies are rednecks. This is Montana; it’s rednecks all the way down.
We should have trusted the Far Cry series; it’s gloriously insensitive. You get money shooting endangered species and selling their bits. Not to mention shooting people. Lots and lots of people.
I’m having fun. I only wish I had a real gun 🙁
Posted: March 18th, 2020 under games.
Comments: 9
Comment from Rich Rostrom
Time: March 18, 2020, 11:33 pm
Jigsaw puzzles boomed during the Depression. They were cheap entertainment when people mostly couldn’t afford anything else.
Comment from Deborah HH
Time: March 18, 2020, 11:55 pm
I am oddly lacking in patience when it comes to small amusements—which is sad because my mother LOVED them (and I adored my mother). Card games, dice games, board games, picture puzzles. Crossword puzzles, and the infamous Cryptograms. She could solve the morning paper’s cryptogram while her eggs were poaching. She and Pop played cribbage every day after lunch. I thought about having JavaMan bring the cribbage board to the hospital during my extended stay (28 days, as it turned out), but I knew he’d never find the box.
Comment from Mitchell
Time: March 19, 2020, 12:28 am
This is a great time to learn knitting or crochet! Great skills to know just in general and they’re a fantastic way to use up “down time” in a really productive way.
Comment from Weaseltablet3
Time: March 19, 2020, 12:33 am
Uncle B and I played a lot of cribbage when we were courting. It was my mother’s favorite game. Stupid world.
Comment from Surly Ermine
Time: March 19, 2020, 4:48 am
In our new lives as shut-ins the family and I have been playing games and watching movies together. We played Scrabble which could even be educational. With our life savings tanking I’m trying to avoid Steam.
Comment from BJM
Time: March 19, 2020, 3:03 pm
@Rich I love jigsaw puzzles, nowadays I do them on the ‘puter. I have a jigsaw game wherein one can import images and set the shapes, etc. I’m fond of 17-19th century seascapes, portraits and genre painting so I scour the web downloading images.
I don’t anticipate much actual downtime cuz it’s spring and living in the country means there’s always work to be done on the property and a long list of projects that will no doubt outlive us. We’re replanting 2 acres of lawn, so I spent most of yesterday driving the horse poop spreader and dragging a harrow. It’s actually kind of mindless fun.
Comment from DurnedYankee
Time: March 19, 2020, 3:13 pm
15-2, 15-4, 15-6.
Gun? There’s this nice little piece called a Sten Gun, some guy in some foreign country invented it because it’s easy to make in something like a small repair shop. Good for when ‘Zee Germans’ show up.
Lately Mrs D and I sit down to a nice cup of tea and a piece of banana bread in the evening while we crawl through “they don’t make them like that any more” movies from when we whuz kids.
Last night was Gregory Peck night – Big Country and Horatio Hornblower.
We played backgammon for a while, and I tried to teach her to play cribbage, not so much.
Comment from DurnedYankee
Time: March 19, 2020, 3:23 pm
Oh, and, heh – there’s always… Lanterloo 🙂
Comment from DurnedYankee
Time: March 19, 2020, 4:20 pm
In CoronaBeer Virus news – turns out according to Daily Fail that 99% of the Italians that have shuffled off this mortal coil with a bare coronavirus also had something else wrong with them BEFORE that.
Your mileage may vary
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