Must’ve been a Monday job
Documenting big cat’s sloppy paint job. There are some terrible bits that don’t show here, like the white V on his back and the random black spots on his legs. My favorite is the white ring near the end of his tail, though.
Silly puss.
I read once that skin temperature is how color is decided in bi-color animals. It’s obviously a very narrow difference. There was some appalling experiment where they shaved black and white rabbits and held icecubes to their skin, I seem to remember reading. That doesn’t make sense, though, does it?
Posted: October 19th, 2020 under inktober.
Comments: 3
Comment from catnip
Time: October 19, 2020, 11:35 pm
I think the skin temperature theory may be correct. We once had a pedigreed Himalayan kitten who was just 7 weeks old when we acquired him from a breeder. His cattery was an old two story house In the Hollywood Hills that practically bulged with cats.
He hid under a bed for a week before he overcame his fear of us, hissing anytime we approached his hideaway. We named him Huffy. From the moment we brought him home to the end of his life he sucked the tip of his tail just before dropping off to sleep, regardless of where he lay. By the time he was 6 months old, his tail-tip had bleached out to match the fur on his body. As an adult, he was the most dog-like cat we’ve ever had, crazy about gardening, car rides, long walks sans leash, camping, being close to whichever of us was doing something that interested him. Our all-time favorite cat, but extremely accident-prone and not as long-lived as any of the others.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: October 20, 2020, 7:36 pm
Yes, I’m sure the temperature thing is right. I just fell over the practicalities of sticking an ice cube to a rabbit long term.
Himalayans are beautiful beasts. Are they talky like siamese?
Comment from catnip
Time: October 21, 2020, 3:36 am
Oh, I see. I wonder what the experimenters were hoping to accomplish with the ice cubes. No, he wasn’t any more talky than any of our alley cats, but his voice was a little louder.
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