I’ll show you mine if you show me yours
I’m coming to the conclusion I need to replace my phone. It’s about five years old and I use the heck out of it, so it’s developing quirks and screen scars.
My last three have been Motorola (but not the ones in the picture – I stole the pic from Cnet. Please no bully). And I’ve liked them well enough, but there’s an awful lot of phones on deep sale at the moment.
Uncle B’s is a Xiaomi – famous for its good camera. Camera is important to me – I take pictures for work and this place. But maybe not enough to put up with Xiaomi’s eccentric version of Android.
Some really good deals on Google’s Pixel 7a at the moment, no doubt because it’s been replaced by the Pixel 8a. Everyone raved about it when it came out.
I know, I know…Google. But if you think about it, it’s either that or some flavor of the CCP. So, like, who is eviller or looser with your data?
Love your phone or hate it? Tell me about it.
Posted: June 20th, 2024 under technology.
Comments: 17
Comment from ExpressoBold Pureblood
Time: June 20, 2024, 7:35 pm
I Swannee, I thought this was going to be a Batman post at first…
Can you get 5G where you are?
Comment from QuasiModo
Time: June 20, 2024, 8:50 pm
Samsung Galaxy A50…it doesn’t take the greatest pictures but it only cost $300.00…I’ve had it since 2018, still going strong. It’s 4G so I don’t get roasted with radiation too, bonus 🙂
Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: June 20, 2024, 8:59 pm
How much do you enjoy fiddling around with your phone?
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: June 20, 2024, 9:31 pm
I don’t know how to answer. I like my phone but I’m not really a phone person.
Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: June 20, 2024, 9:52 pm
When I had an Android phone some years ago, I found that while the variety of apps was great, there were more things that needed my attention to keep them functioning properly, unhacked, and virus-free. I tried two or three anti-virus programs before I found one that was functional but which didn’t impact the performance of the phone in some way.
In short: I was always screwing around with -something – just to maintain the phone. In this sense, the phone operating system and its adjunct systems were a kind of game.
Some people enjoy this, feeling that THEY have better control of the phone because there are more options from which they can choose. However, I just want to do things and don’t give a sweet damn how they are done. I call the people who like to fiddle with Command Prompts et al, “Dosasaurs”.
So, I have eaten from the Apple, and fallen under the influence of the iOS.
Now, you running a blog, may find it too much work to get things off an iPhone and into your windows based system. But: if your phone is not an essential part of your blogging world….
Perhaps you could keep it a secret from Uncle Badger whom I’m am pretty sure considers Apple products as shipping direct from Mordor.
Comment from aelfheld
Time: June 20, 2024, 10:06 pm
Is Samsung CCP-flavoured?
Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: June 20, 2024, 10:22 pm
Mrs D runs a googly phone and I hates it, I does.
It’s done weird shit lie connecting to her Samsung Tablet and routing calls to it, plus other weird changes the programmers liked and updated without any warning and that gives her fits.
I’m a flip phone kinda guy, phones are FOR PHONE CALLS!
Not for video games or calendars or reading the fluckng QR code so I can read a restaurant menu with a magnifying glass.
I was prevailed upon by the tribe to bite the Apple by being given hand-me-downs from when someone upgrades, so I’ve been Applefied and it is simple enough usually where I don’t have to find a 10 year old to splain how it works to me.
All of the bastards are evil if you ask me, but I find Google to be currently slightly more evil than Apple, your mileage may vary.
I’m working here n a cart to tow my hot water heater since it, along with our washer, dryer, and stove can now talk to the internet.
They can probably aol take photos anyway….
Comment from Ben
Time: June 20, 2024, 10:32 pm
The kid (19) who’s a pretty good photographer likes the camera(s) on her Motorola Edge.
Comment from Pupster
Time: June 20, 2024, 11:09 pm
My LG-X410TK Android has been adequate since 2018, I’m not a big phone person but it hasn’t given me any problems.
Mrs. Pupster is all Apple all the time, MAC Book and Ipad and Iphone. I think they are overpriced and weird but she doesn’t know Android at all and has just enough Windows to convert what she needs into something she can work with on her preferred platform.
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: June 21, 2024, 12:23 am
I’ve done Apple, and Google, and Chicom SpyCorp, and Samsung. I’ve not hated any of them, and not loved any of them, but I’ve been reasonably satisfied with Samsung. My current one is the Galaxy Note10 which I got because of it’s manly sized screen. It’s got one of those pen thingamajigs that I have literally never used. I am not a camera person but I’m told Samsung does OK or better depending on model.
I’m glad to say that the Samsung phone with Android has kept itself updated and has thrown me very few curve balls, and zero crashes of any kind. Just because it’ll be easy, my next phone will likely be another Samsung Galaxy with the largest screen they make short of a tablet.
I’ll be looking for a way to disable 5G but I’m not optimistic. While I’m too old to worry about 5G frying my gonads, that age means I’m too old to haphazardly nuke any more brain cells.
Comment from Deborah HH
Time: June 21, 2024, 2:36 am
I have zombie fingers, so I hate all touch screens. But I’m driving a Google Pixel 6a for now, because that’s what JavaMan gave me to use. I don’t know enough, or care enough to complain. I have little phone stands all over the house, because I hate trying to hold my phone. Damn thing is as slippery as a wet baby.
Comment from nbc
Time: June 21, 2024, 10:16 am
Is Samsung CCP-flavoured?
No, they’re Korean. Xiaomi is CCP…
Comment from technochitlin
Time: June 21, 2024, 11:42 am
I am like S.Veg.; a Windows user with an iPhone (mine’s a 13). Yes it is quite doable.
I had always avoided anything Apple until the 3 came out- I got one and have never looked back. Better OS, better camera- I drank the kool-aid. In my humble opinion, they Just Work Better. For me.
Comment from prm
Time: June 21, 2024, 1:24 pm
I’ve had a couple of Xiaomis. Currently on the MiMax3 (which is old now). I like a big screen so I think it used to be called a phablet. Anyway, yes, odd front end but never had an issue, got it set up how I like, enough power etc for all I need to do. I’d get the next up if I could but they discontinued, so I’m currently looking for a newer big screen phone. Also, it was about £200 and was/is excellent value for money.
Comment from Uncle Badger
Time: June 21, 2024, 7:23 pm
This business about the CCP is moot – and I did think about it for a while before opting for a Xiaomi. The thing is, I have no state secrets or anything Fu Manchu and the boys could use to blackmail me and I’m not convinced that having Google snooping on my every movement isn’t more of a real threat anyway. Actually, I’m pretty sure that it is. Microsoft, too.
In fact I almost like to think that maybe some fiendish oriental is currently staring at my vast collection of garden and cat pictures and slowly losing the will to live… I’ll give them ‘inscrutable’.
Comment from Armybrat
Time: June 22, 2024, 12:15 am
My first mobile was a honking huge bag phone from radio shack circa 1988 or 89. Hubby and I worked our way thru damn near every phone before settling on Blackberry. God, I loved my crackberry. But then RIM seriously misjudged the market and the functionality/importance of apps. And so I was an original adopter of Apple. I just updated (last month) from an IPhone 7 to a 15. Along the way from our first IPhone we accumulated 4 Ipads, 2 watches and one Mac laptop. Wanna know why I still go with Apple? Because I am a techno idiot. I can replace an Apple product at will, bring it home, plug it in and it works. All my shit talks to each other without missing a beat. I don’t lose anything and I don’t have to spend hours transferring or reconfiguring shit. This was important to me when I was younger (because I am a techno idiot) but has become even more important to me as I’ve gained years and lost patience.
Comment from Tim Carlson
Time: June 23, 2024, 7:35 pm
I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 Lite. No one calls me and the camera sucks. But I mainly use it to play YouTube videos to lull me to sleep. It’s was a generation or two behind when I bought it and it only cost around p9000 (around $180).
Samsung tablets seem to have always had lousy cameras.
Do you have Oppo there? My wife has an Oppo phone and seems to really like it.
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