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Mmmm…my favorite!

That there is Maya the jaguar, star of a recent BBC documentary. Don’t know if they played it over your way. She was a leetle orphling keeten in the show. Not so little now.

And the thing she’s licking? A blood popsicle! Mmmmm!

It rarely gets above mid 80s here. When it gets there, it rarely stays for long. We rarely go a week without rain. But we’ve had weeks and weeks of drought and a couple of weeks of hot. It even stayed hot at night the last few, an unheard of thing.

Everything is yellow and dry. The chickens are panting like dogs. There is no end in sight.

I mean, it ain’t Baton Rouge in August hot (why the hell did we always go visit Grandma in August?), but it’s hot. I’d forgotten how much I hate hot.

July 2, 2018 — 10:21 pm
Comments: 9