You don’t know what you’ve got…
…until you try to buy some and find you can’t.
I can’t get any kind of cinnamon candy here. Not redhots, not cinnamon hearts. None of that.
I mean, I can. You can get anything if you’re willing to pay international shipping. But there is no domestic version of hot cinnamon candy. We have not one but two candy stores in the town where I work, so I know whereof.
There are some candies that have cinnamon as part of the flavoring, but they’re like sweet, gentle ‘Christmas mince pie’ sorts of things. Not the vile and painful cinnamon treats of my youth.
Hard to believe after ten plus years I’m still finding things missing.
p.s. I just noticed the “artificial flavor” on the box. Geez, you guys — is real cinnamon not cheap enough for you?
November 12, 2019 — 8:00 pm
Comments: 16