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Of course he’s a ginger

That’s Beano the cat. His owner thought about taking him to the pet service, but decided against since he hates being in a box. So Beano decided to turn up on his own and stroll around the place absorbing blessings.

He’s been to church before. Also, the local pubs. And he’s got himself shut into an empty house, twice.

Yes, the pet service is a Church of England thing. I almost turned up with my favorite chicken one year, but I thought the other animals would probably stress her out too much.

Also, do you know how early morning service is?


Comment from Uncle Al
Time: August 5, 2021, 11:33 pm

His wanderlust and his name triggered an odd thought. In my mind’s astigmatic eye I can see him making the rounds of Mexican and Indian restaurants with a tiny pill bottle hanging from his collar à la St. Bernard dogs, rescuing diners from gastrointestinal olfactory distress.

Comment from durnedyankee
Time: August 6, 2021, 3:54 am

Doan be h8in on the Mexican and Indian cuisine man!

Bless the cats, for they are our masters.

And Sweasy, early morning service, according to some Irish musicians, is just after the priests (in a bunch) have finished gathering around their great roarin fire to drink tumblers of punch.

Comment from Uncle Al
Time: August 6, 2021, 4:17 am

@durnedyankee — No h8in at all! Gimme a plate of carnitas, frijoles, y arroz, or a nice, spicy goat vindaloo with basmati and chapati and I’m a happy man!

Gassy, most likely, but definitely happy!

We are catless at the moment, but the local rescue lady has a pair of bro and sis kittens who will be ready for a new home, ours!, at the end of the month. Hurrah!

Is it just me, or does “Beano” sound more like a dog’s name?

Comment from durnedyankee
Time: August 6, 2021, 2:37 pm

Beano sounds like a product that degasses your beans.
Oh, wait…it IS!

Mom used to use baking soda during the, I think, soaking process to degas baked beans because dad was…the pull my finger guy.

And we too are catless, alas. Sometimes when there’s a bump in the night now and I can account for the dogs and Mrs D I’m catch myself about to shout at Delilah and ask her what she’s getting into. If it IS Delilah, I’m okay with that, I just wish she’d stop by to rub up against my shoulder and get a chin rub.

I don’t miss the 4AM “Where are you!” meow though, well, okay, maybe I sorta do.

“B” “A” “N” “E” “O” and Beano was his name oh!

Comment from BJM
Time: August 6, 2021, 2:56 pm

My fav CoE service is “cake or death”.

Comment from Deborah HH
Time: August 6, 2021, 3:37 pm

Beano is my kind of cat. I wish I had one just like him.

Comment from Armybrat
Time: August 7, 2021, 10:06 pm

We’ve been catless nigh on 8 years now. I miss my ginger girl something fierce but I don’t miss the flinging of litter and the bunnies of fur…not to mention the taking them to the vet for their final time. I’ve reached the “done with animals” phase of life. I loved every one of my 8 dogs and 2 cats but no more animals in my house.

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