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Return of the angry, authoritarian fridge

Half of the message has been wiped away, seemingly by people opening and closing the fridge. It appears to be a stern injunction never to put the crab and lobsters above the salad.

I have many unpleasant mental images why that might be.

They mostly involve lobster poop. I have no idea what lobster poop is like, but I’m pretty sure I don’t want it on my salad.

Yes, this is the same fish shop as before.


Comment from Uncle Al
Time: November 15, 2021, 9:08 pm

Crabs and lobsters may be alive and so poop’s a possibility, but I’m pretty sure by the time they’re parted out and you have discrete claws, they’re past the pooping stage.

All I can think of is that drippings into the salad might trigger somebody’s shellfish allergy, but why somebody with such an allergy would buy salad from a fish shop has me stumped.

Maybe it’s the other way around, and the problem is salad gas tainting the fish?

Comment from durnedyankee
Time: November 16, 2021, 11:28 am

I wonder if the thing about putting the line lobsters in previously WAS done for ‘fun’.

What kind of date do you suppose you take a lobster on?

Right, it involves drawn butter doesn’t it! You monster!

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