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From my cold, dead hands

They’re talking about banning condiments in single-serve packages, like ketchup and mayo. Their point – which isn’t entirely stupid, I guess – is because there’s food in them, they’re more likely to be eaten by a beast.

It’s just, I’m amused at governments banning the tiny, inconsequential bits of plastic that make our lives a tad easier, thinking it will make some kind of difference to our giant plastic-based society. Reminds me of the Aldi employee who explained to me they weren’t putting out plastic bags for me to put potatoes in no more, and behind him as far as the eye could see stretched shelves of food entirely packaged in plastic.

There’s a touch of the Washington Monument syndrome about it, as well. Simply put: whenever a government department faces budget cuts, it threatens to kill whatever thing it does that you like most.

Though, in this case, making tiny savings in plastic at the cost of real inconvenience to normies makes them feel like we’re all making significant sacrifices for the planet. Shopping bags and plastic straws and the like.

You know what? I’m overthinking this. I don’t even like ketchup.


Comment from Uncle Al
Time: January 17, 2022, 8:03 pm

Does anyone anywhere need more proof that

Comment from Pupster
Time: January 17, 2022, 9:22 pm

Something low cost, delicious and we’ll designed? Absolutely ban that M-Effer. There is a high end fast food restaurant called Culvers, their to-go catsup has two options…squeeze out or dip. It is American innovation at it’s finest and even though it is Heinz I will fight you to my last breath an stab at thee from hells heart if you try and take it from me.


Comment from Tim Carlson
Time: January 18, 2022, 12:34 am

They couldn’t do that here in the Philippines. This is a ‘single serve’ nation – everything is individually wrapped in single servings so that it won’t spoil (due to the high humidity) or get eaten by bugs. If they banned the individual packs here, the amount of food waste would be appalling.

Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: January 18, 2022, 1:37 am

It all amuses me to be honest. They never think things entirely through… but they are desperate to do some virtue signaling. Who do they think is eating thrown away ketchup packets? Squirrels? Bunnies? Hint: Rats. Big F’n RATS. So by doing this they will actually be improving things for the rat population. Great.

I lost a friend who was thrilled that she had had a hand in stopping a South American clothing manufacturer from employing teenage girls from local villages, when I asked her why she thought this was a good thing. The girls no longer have any value to their families as they become mouths to feed rather than having honest jobs that increase the family income in hard cash. The girls mostly likely are not going back to school. They are not going be to be sitting around playing dolls either. That kind of childhood is a fantasy there. The loss of income means the whole family is hungrier. So,, the girls will either get married off to the best offer, or they will uhm, find a way to earn some cash for their families…the hard way. Oh, and they will probably have, for some unknown reason, less little sisters.

However, my friend’s intentions were good.

Comment from durnedyankee
Time: January 18, 2022, 2:47 am

That and try to explain why, invented example, a $1.00 a day wage in a country where the average income is $200 a year is a good thing to these do-gooding morons.

“No! can’t be, because who could live in NUUUUU YAWK or ELL LAY on $1.00 a day! Ridiculous!”

I’ve given up though, we’ve become nations of sound bite morons. The internet has allowed the “THE END IS NEAR!” idiots to get out of the local town/village square where they could do a minimum amount of damage and lets them run loose worldwide. Giving masses of other critical thinking disabled idiots the idea that things are terrible EVERYWHERE OMG! because of (x – enter your fear porn here).

But especially in OUR country (wherever that country may be).

And WE MUST DO SOMETHING! Without any thought about whether or not what we’re doing is useful, helpful, sensible, or even rational.

And then of course, there’s the grifters, ready to cash in on whatever is being peddled.

Speaking of grifters though, I’d ban those packets, because…John Kerry 😜

Comment from steve
Time: January 18, 2022, 2:54 pm

Second order thinking is definitely in short supply.

Comment from dissent555
Time: January 18, 2022, 7:19 pm

Not to worry Komrades. In the forthcoming People’s Republik, one of these packets will be considered a satisfying daily ration – I mean MEAL!

Comment from checklight
Time: January 18, 2022, 8:45 pm

So I’ve just pumped 15 gallons of gas into my car, which will soon be converted into all sorts of noxious gases–but I need to worry about the fumes emitted through the fill tube, or a few drops dribbled on the ground as I swing the nozzle back to the pump.

Uh huh. Let me check the give-an-eff meter–oops, it’s snoring. Don’t want to wake it. never mind.

Comment from p2
Time: January 19, 2022, 12:17 am

Back in the days, when I was young, poor and in a shape other than pear, I would scrounge my cash to go skiing. I could afford the lift ticket and the gas to get there, but that was about all. Lunch, and usually dinner, (all day pass after all) was a bunch of those packets mixed into a coffee cup of hot water and bolstered by a goodly sum of single serve saltine cracker packets. Everything needed was on the self serve counter and pretty much gratis. Made for a palatable, if not shabby-chic gourmet, hot soup. (Don’t gimme that look….it was the 70’s.)

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