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Oops! We’re back

Looks like my database took a nap this evening. Sorry, caught off guard. Please enjoy this large, handsome cabbage Uncle B growed me.


Comment from BJM
Time: October 18, 2022, 10:54 pm

Uncle B rocks!

Comment from ExpressoBold
Time: October 18, 2022, 11:47 pm

Unprocessed coleslaw… 😃🤣😂😁😀

Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: October 19, 2022, 10:11 am

Ton o’ kraut!

mon géant Chou chou

Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: October 19, 2022, 1:34 pm

Come look what I found in the cabbage patch
She said disarmingly.
It’ll be quite a nice surprise
And there’ll only be you … and me
They be round and plump and nice and firm
You’ll like ’em, just wait and see
Now I wouldn’t show ’em to just any lad
But I’ve taken quite a liking to thee

Comment from Formerly known as Skeptic
Time: October 27, 2022, 11:58 pm

Feed me, Seymour!

Write a comment

(as if I cared)

(yeah. I'm going to write)

(oooo! you have a website?)

Beware: more than one link in a comment is apt to earn you a trip to the spam filter, where you will remain -- cold, frightened and alone -- until I remember to clean the trap. But, hey, without Akismet, we'd be up to our asses in...well, ass porn, mostly.

<< carry me back to ol' virginny