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How did I miss this little detail?

Some Vegetable sent me a link to this video. Why yes – that’s Dylan Mulvaney with the Possum Lady. She uploaded it last month, but it must have been made some time ago. Mulvaney looks relatively sane there.

If you get to the point you looked saner wearing floppy ears and pretending to be a possum, you probably took a very wrong turn somewhere.

Anyway! I discovered Possum Lady channel (and her website) during lockdown and it afforded me many a happy hour of wholesome chuckles. I wrote at the time:

The lady goes by Georgette Spelvin, a famous pseudonym from American theater history. All anyone knows is she’s a woman of a certain age who lives in Southern California and has a bunch of rescue squirrels and possums.

It was Georgina Spelvin, actually, and Wikipedia has helpfully added this observation to the article: “‘Georgina Spelvin’ has fallen out of general use since it was adopted as a screen name by pornographic actress Shelley Graham, who was credited by that name in The Devil in Miss Jones.”

Whu-hu-hu-huat? Possum Lady is a porn star?! That porn star?

Let me tell you a story. When I was in my freshman year in art school, I and three of my friends went to see The Devil in Miss Jones. We had more or less just met, just turned 18, all newly minted grownups out on the town and we thought, Why not? Why not go see a hardcore porn movie in the theater?

It was in a proper theater, not a porn theater, because it was regarded as an art film. Do you know what makes a porno an art film? Everyone’s having sex, but nobody’s having fun. It’s grubby and ugly and everyone’s miserable.

Not something to see with your new little friends. ‘Bout died of cringe.


Comment from Anonymous
Time: August 2, 2023, 7:55 pm

I’ve been looking at her picture online and I can’t say as it looks entirely like the same person, but there might be wigs involved.

Her bio on Youtube now says: “A possibly dead squirrel joins a possibly ex porn star to bring you more than you can imagine about Proper Opossum Care in a Quantum Universe of Theoretical Immortality. Really. See for yourself. You can’t make this stuff up. Plus, it’s a whole lot of FUN! Brought to you by: Pearl de Wisdom, Georgette Spelvin, and their Merry Band of Minions.”

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: August 2, 2023, 7:57 pm

That was me,obvs.

That was the night I learned one of my new friends was a sociopath. He howled with laughter through the whole thing.

The stories I could tell…

Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: August 2, 2023, 9:51 pm

So Dylan is a method a**hole.

Oh! My! Spellchecker changed the word! I am certain I typed Method actor!

Comment from Teej
Time: August 3, 2023, 1:14 am

If only “Dilly” had gotten enough attention as a ‘possum! We might’ve been spared the Bud Light takedown!
Oh wait. I’m enjoying the takedown. Nevermind.

Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: August 3, 2023, 1:09 pm

While peeking through my fingers in horror idly intellectually musing at Dylan’s performance art😁 I was struck by a question that I just can’t seem to shake.

Based on what Ms. Weasel has told us about Georgina Spelvin and her willingness to uh, go to some effort for her films, I wonder what her budget is for paying supporting actors in her current films.

Which brings me to my question:

Did Dylan do this for free or just for really, really cheap?

Now, off to research The Devil In Miss Jones to see uh, well, uh, see if I can spot any identifying characteristics. Yeah, that’s the ticket!

Comment from durnedyankee
Time: August 3, 2023, 3:53 pm

Pay attention, I’m certain that whatsername is a

dragon kin!


let us know if you can confirm this observation, “in the wild”, as it were.

It’s for SCIENCE!

Comment from Jon
Time: August 3, 2023, 4:52 pm

I respect Georgina’s diligence to her craft more than I have any respect for Mulvaney’s grifting.

Comment from Fartsykins McGobbin
Time: September 10, 2023, 8:53 pm

So Dylan is the son of a former pornstar who does kooky videos with squirrels and possums. No indication of a father present; Dylan’s surname could suggest a divorce happened when he was very young.

If this is the case then it’s not really surprising how he’s ended up where he is. I’m expecting an episode where he’s seen fleeing the Spelvin residence in broken heels and a coat made from roadkill.

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Beware: more than one link in a comment is apt to earn you a trip to the spam filter, where you will remain -- cold, frightened and alone -- until I remember to clean the trap. But, hey, without Akismet, we'd be up to our asses in...well, ass porn, mostly.

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