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My very weird, very fat cat

Enjoy this view of my delicious catloaf.

He’s a very eccentric beast, like most formal ferals. He’s fat and it’s totally not my fault. He will only eat dry Iams, and not a whole lot of that. He won’t eat wet food. Not interested in people food. Eventually, he even refused treats (have you ever known a cat that turned his nose up at Dreamies?).

So it has to be the bunnies and mice doing it. The vet isn’t concerned. I suppose it’s self limiting – get fat enough, can’t chase prey.

At least, he was like that until last week, when began to reject his food. Vocally. Even angrily. We went nuts. Tried five different brands of dry catfood.

In despair, we tried pouches in jelly and…bingo. Except, he licks the jelly off and begs for more. He’s already visibly putting on weight.

I know a woman who swears her cat went diabetic eating Friskies jelly. I also went through the same behavior with my old cat Charlotte, the one I brought with me from the States (coincidentally also a tuxedo cat). At the end of her life, she’d lick the jelly off but refuse the food chunks and pointedly ignore it until the meat mummified in the bowl.

I am so not looking forward to this again…


Comment from ExpressoBold Pureblood
Time: January 8, 2024, 11:09 pm

Are there dental problems?

Teeth and gums still healthy?

Comment from QuasiModo
Time: January 9, 2024, 1:39 am

You should try getting some de-worming medicine for him, the addiction to sweets is almost certainly a sign of parasites. Try getting some Ivermectin for cats. If he eats a lot of mice, bunnies and things like that, he can get parasites from it.

Comment from durnedyankee
Time: January 9, 2024, 3:46 am

And the Ivermectin will probably prevent him from coming down with ‘you know what flu’.

It’s a drag when they won’t eat.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: January 9, 2024, 7:45 pm

I dewormed him as soon as he went off his food. The pill recommended for him was Drontal, I think (or that might have been the flea pill).

Comment from Pupster
Time: January 9, 2024, 11:45 pm

Oh lord he’s a chonker. So hard to find that happy medium space where they can get around alright and not be hungry all the time.

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